D.The autophagic vacuole fuses with a lysosome to form an autophagolysosome E.The autophagic vacuole is formed by mitochondria 45.A 63-year-old man develops worsening congestive heart failure 1 month after an acute myocardial infarction.An echocardiogram shows a markedly decreased eiection fraction.He dies six weeks after his acute myocardial infarct.At autopsy, the infarct shows that the necrotic myoca dium has largely be replaced by capillaries,fibre asts,and collagen Which of the followir inflammatory cell types plays the most important role in the healing process by removing debris?( A.Eosinophils B.Lymphocytes C Macrop D.Neutrophil E.Plasmacytes 46.While shaving one morning,a 23-year-old man nicks his lip with a razor. Seconds after the e ini ury,the bleeding stops.Which of the follo g mechanisms most likely to reduce blood loss from a small dermal vein? A.Fibrin polymerization B.Neutrophil chemotaxis C.Platelet aggregation D.Protein c activation E.Vasodilation 47.A 50-year-old man has a two-year history of angina pectoris that occurs when he exercises.His blood pressure and pulse are normal.Coronary angiography shows 75%narrowing of the left anterior descending artery.Which of the following cell typ was the initial target in the development of this es ion? A.Endothelial cells B.Fibroblasts C.Lymphocytes D.Platelets E.Smooth muscle cells 48.A 56-year-old man with a 120 pack-year smoking history is referred to you for consideration of surgical resection after he is found to have a new 2 cm lung mass on a chest x-ray.After you have reviewed his records,you want to be able to tell him whether surgery will cure his disease.Factors that would influence whether a surgical resectio would be curative include: Cell type of the neoplasm B.Location of the neoplasm C.Stage of the neoplasm D.Whether the neoplasm is benign or malignantD. The autophagic vacuole fuses with a lysosome to form an autophagolysosome. E. The autophagic vacuole is formed by mitochondria. 45. A 63-year-old man develops worsening congestive heart failure 1 month after an acute myocardial infarction. An echocardiogram shows a markedly decreased ejection fraction. He dies six weeks after his acute myocardial infarct. At autopsy, a section of the infarct shows that the necrotic myocardium has largely been replaced by capillaries, fibroblasts, and collagen. Which of the following inflammatory cell types plays the most important role in the healing process by removing debris?( ) A. Eosinophils B. Lymphocytes C. Macrophages D. Neutrophils E. Plasmacytes 46. While shaving one morning, a 23-year-old man nicks his lip with a razor. Seconds after the injury, the bleeding stops. Which of the following mechanisms is most likely to reduce blood loss from a small dermal vein?( ) A. Fibrin polymerization B. Neutrophil chemotaxis C. Platelet aggregation D. Protein C activation E. Vasodilation 47. A 50-year-old man has a two-year history of angina pectoris that occurs when he exercises. His blood pressure and pulse are normal. Coronary angiography shows 75% narrowing of the left anterior descending artery. Which of the following cell types was the initial target in the development of this lesion?( ) A. Endothelial cells B. Fibroblasts C. Lymphocytes D. Platelets E. Smooth muscle cells 48. A 56-year-old man with a 120 pack-year smoking history is referred to you for consideration of surgical resection after he is found to have a new 2 cm lung mass on a chest x-ray. After you have reviewed his records, you want to be able to tell him whether surgery will cure his disease. Factors that would influence whether a surgical resection would be curative include:( ) A. Cell type of the neoplasm B. Location of the neoplasm C. Stage of the neoplasm D. Whether the neoplasm is benign or malignant
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