4.1要求学生预习阅读材料,并就主题查阅相关资料。并就与我们身边的英雄有关的话 题,进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达。 4.2要求学生预听听力教学内容,并就相关主题与同伴进行口语练习。 43建议授课教师开展讨论式教学。 Unit 106 Earn as you learn? 1.基本内容 .】主题To work or not to work-That is the question 1.2阅读Earn as you leam 1.3听说Employment 2.基本要求 2.1To grasp the structure and main idea of the text(arepor of th relationship between part-time employment and students'commitment to study) 2.2 To appreciate various writing skills the author used in the text(comparison and contrast. listing) 2.3To apply the phrases and patterns(numerous,contrast,decrease,assess,significant, compromise,commit,intensive,accustomed,controversial,abandon,appealing.interfere with, take a toll on,at risk of,in other words,cut comers,drop out,contribute to,hold on to) 3.教学重点难点 3.1:Nevertheless,given thatindications/proofs/investigations are that sb.is at risk of doing sth. 3.:take a toll on,interfere with,cut back on,erode sth.,compromise sth. 4.教学建议 4.1要求学生预习阅读材料,并就主题查阅相关资料。并就与职业有关的话题,进行个 人发言、小组讨论和书面表达。 42要求学生预听听力教学内容,并就相关主题与同伴进行口语练习。 4.3建议授课教师开展讨论式教学。 Unit 202 College_The Ladder to Success? 1.基本内容 1.主题The Humanities:Out of date l.2阅读What college bringsus? 4.1 要求学生预习阅读材料,并就主题查阅相关资料。并就与我们身边的英雄有关的话 题,进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达。 4.2 要求学生预听听力教学内容,并就相关主题与同伴进行口语练习。 4.3 建议授课教师开展讨论式教学。 Unit 106 Earn as you learn? 1.基本内容 1.1 主题 To work or not to work-That is the question 1.2 阅读 Earn as you learn 1.3 听说 Employment 2.基本要求 2.1 To grasp the structure and main idea of the text(a report of research on the relationship between part-time employment and students’ commitment to study) 2.2 To appreciate various writing skills the author used in the text (comparison and contrast; listing) 2.3 To apply the phrases and patterns(numerous, contrast, decrease, assess, significant, compromise, commit, intensive, accustomed, controversial, abandon, appealing, interfere with, take a toll on, at risk of, in other words, cut corners, drop out, contribute to, hold on to) 3.教学重点难点 3.1 重点:Nevertheless, given that …, indications / proofs / investigations are that sb. is at risk of doing sth. 3.2 难点:take a toll on, interfere with, cut back on, erode sth., compromise sth. 4.教学建议 4.1 要求学生预习阅读材料,并就主题查阅相关资料。并就与职业有关的话题,进行个 人发言、小组讨论和书面表达。 4.2 要求学生预听听力教学内容,并就相关主题与同伴进行口语练习。 4.3 建议授课教师开展讨论式教学。 Unit 202 College _ The Ladder to Success? 1.基本内容 1.1 主题 The Humanities: Out of date? 1.2 阅读 What college brings us? 9
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