Michaelis-Menten kinetics max Vmax Vo Vmax IS KM When [S]KM, Vmax/2 Vo Vmax/2. KM Substrate concentration [S]- The maximal velocity (Vmax)is approached asymptotically 最大速度Vmax是个渐进的最大速度。 The Michaelis constant(KM)is the substrate concentration yielding a velocity of Vmax/2. 米氏常数Km为最大速度一半时的底物浓度。Michaelis-Menten kinetics The maximal velocity (Vmax) is approached asymptotically 最大速度Vmax是个渐进的最大速度。 The Michaelis constant (KM) is the substrate concentration yielding a velocity of Vmax/ 2. 米氏常数Km 为最大速度一半时的底物浓度。 When [S] = KM, Vo = Vmax/2
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