pictures of Halloween, and at the same time teach them some new words and tell them something about Halloween 设计说明:我设计mind-map引导学生一起回顾并自由谈论国内外的节日,并在 头脑里展开联想,回想所学过的节日,形成头脑风暴,再让部分学生站起来说 下自己的想法,锻炼他们的口头表达能力。紧接着引出万圣节,在 free talk的环 节引导学生运用上节课学过的目标语言回答问题,并渗透本节课新的目标语言。 先让学生自己整体感知学习内容,然后对目标语言通过不同任务进行训练。热身 环节的思维导图有承前启后的作用,前面已经谈到了节日,这节课继续学习,直 观的思维导图有助于学生理顺思维,从而达到温故而知新的效果。边展示图片边 教授新的单词,直观形象,学生乐学,爱学,并且在呈现图片的同时讲述一些万 圣节的事,学生很感兴趣 Step 2 listening 1. isten and answer the questions 1)Where is Halloween popular 2) When do people celebrate Halloween? 3) What does Wu Yu think of this festival? 2. Listen again and fill in the blan 1) Many people make their look scary. They may the lights and light candles They sometimes also put things like spiders and ghosts around the doors and 2) Little kids and even parents as ghosts or black cats. They can also dress up as fun acters 3) Parents take their children around the neighborhood to ask for and treats 4)Trick or treat means kids will a trick on you if you dont them a treat ks 设计说明:通过听力使学生了解更多的关于万圣节的事,听力不仅训练并提升了 学生听的能力,还有助于学生模仿语音语调,所以对学生的口语的提髙也有很大 的益处 Step 3 Brainstorm How many activities do people in the USa usually do to celebrate Halloween? dress up wear maskspictures of Halloween,and at the same time teach them some new words and tell them something about Halloween. 设计说明:我设计 mind-map 引导学生一起回顾并自由谈论国内外的节日,并在 头脑里展开联想,回想所学过的节日,形成头脑风暴,再让部分学生站起来说一 下自己的想法,锻炼他们的口头表达能力。紧接着引出万圣节,在 free talk 的环 节引导学生运用上节课学过的目标语言回答问题,并渗透本节课新的目标语言。 先让学生自己整体感知学习内容,然后对目标语言通过不同任务进行训练。热身 环节的思维导图有承前启后的作用,前面已经谈到了节日,这节课继续学习,直 观的思维导图有助于学生理顺思维,从而达到温故而知新的效果。边展示图片边 教授新的单词,直观形象,学生乐学,爱学,并且在呈现图片的同时讲述一些万 圣节的事,学生很感兴趣。 Step 2 listening 1.Listen and answer the questions. 1) Where is Halloween popular? 2) When do people celebrate Halloween? 3) What does Wu Yu think of this festival? 2.Listen again and fill in the blan 1) Many people make their _______ look scary. They may _______ the lights and light candles. They sometimes also put things like spiders and ghosts around the doors and _______. 2) Little kids and even parents _______ as ghosts or black cats. They can also dress up as fun things like ______ characters. 3) Parents take their children around the neighborhood to ask for ______ and treats. 4) “Trick or treat” means kids will _____ a trick on you if you don’t ______ them a treat.ks. 设计说明:通过听力使学生了解更多的关于万圣节的事,听力不仅训练并提升了 学生听的能力,还有助于学生模仿语音语调,所以对学生的口语的提高也有很大 的益处。 Step 3 Brainstorm How many activities do people in the USA usually do to celebrate Halloween? dress up wear masks
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