CAPITVLVM SEXTVM CAP.VI Cur non Paulus discipulis recitare potest? Quis est Augustinus? vocabula nova adesse to be here mutilaverunt完成时hey did mutilate amphitheatrum amphitheatre;圆形剧场,竞技场 mutilo-are-avi 1 mutilate;.Eng.mutilate使断 amphi+-theatrum:Eng.amphi--“两边”,“两类”,“周 肢,使残废 围”:amphibian两栖的,水陆两用的:amphibious具 narrat s/he tells.relates:narro-arel relate.tell 有双重性的:amphibolous模棱两可的 Eng.narration,narrate,narritive bestia-ae beast nobis to us.for us Christianus Christian nullus-a-um no one,not any coquus-i cook occisi sunt were killed:occido-ere-cidi-cisum 2 culina-ae kitchen kil:coccis是occisus的复数主格(smt)Eng. debet s/he ought debeo-ere-ui-itum 2 owe,have to: occident <occidere fto set] Eng.debt<debere opulentia-ae wealth:Eng.opulence,oplent doctus-i learned man docere to teach; Eng. ostentare to show ostento-are 1 show; Eng. doctor ostentation炫耀,夸示,卖弄,风头主义 eos them paganus-i pagan异教徒 erat s/he was populus--ipeople;Eng.populace大众,平民, eum him popular,popularity,populate,population,populous existimabant they thought:existimo-are 1 think: pro+abl.in return for existimo=aestimo:Eng.estimate quando when faciebant they prepared facio-ere,feci,factum 3/4 recitare recito-are 1 recite,read aloud do,make;Eng.fact <factum:facture rogavit s/he asked rogo-are-avi 1 ask gratus-a-um pleasing Eng.grateful gratus: Romanus-i the Romans gratitude,gratify. saevitia-ae cruelty historia-ae story Eng.history<historia suffragium-i vote Eng.suffrage投票,投票权: ineptus--a-um foolish Eng.inept a.不适当的,不 suf伍agette鼓吹妇女参政的妇女:suffragist主张 符要求的,愚蠢的,无能的,ineptitude n. 妇女应有参政权者 labarare to work laboro-are 1 work Eng.labor unus one iber-bri book Eng.library:libra-ae天平; vacat vaco-are I be idle,empty:Eng.vacancy. liber自由Eng.liberty,liberal,.liberate vacant,vacate,vacation,vacium ludus-i game,show victima-ae victim meridies midday medius+dies videre video-ere.vidi,visum 2 see:Eng.video,vide medius middle,middle of mid vide ante:vide infra:vide post:vide supra: misericordia pity:miseri+cordia videlicet viz.namely cor,cordis n心,心脏 volebant they wanted Miseros Chiristianos! volo,velle want:vult volunt commentarii: 1 scholae magister disciplis historiam Christianorum bestiarumque narrat In the school,the master is recounting the story of the Christians and the beasts to the students。Scholae是schola的属格:Disciplis是dicciplus的复 数与格:是间接宾语,用与格(dative力,historiam historia-ae的单数宾格:chiritianus-ichristianorum bestiarum 复数属格(of)CAPITVLVM SEXTVM CAP.VI 4 Cur non Paulus discipulis recitare potest? Quis est Augustinus ? vocabula nova adesse to be here amphitheatrum amphitheatre; 圆形剧场,竞技场 amphi+theatrum; Eng. amphi-―两边‖,―两类‖,―周 围‖;amphibian 两栖的,水陆两用的;amphibious 具 有双重性的; amphibolous 模棱两可的 bestia-ae beast Christianus Christian coquus-i cook culina-ae kitchen debet s/he ought debeo-ere-ui-itum 2 owe, have to; Eng. debt<debere doctus-i learned man docere to teach; Eng. doctor eos them erat s/he was eum him existimabant they thought; existimo-are 1 think; existimo=aestimo: Eng. estimate faciebant they prepared facio-ere, feci, factum 3/4 do, make; Eng. fact <factum; facture gratus-a-um pleasing Eng. grateful < gratus; gratitude, gratify, historia-ae story Eng. history< historia ineptus-a-um foolish Eng. inept a.不适当的,不 符要求的,愚蠢的,无能的, ineptitude n. labarare to work laboro-are 1 work Eng. labor liber-bri book Eng. library; libra-ae 天平; liber 自由 Eng. liberty, liberal, liberate ludus-i game, show meridies midday medius+dies medius middle, middle of, mid misericordia pity; miseri+cordia cor, cordis n 心,心脏 Miseros Chiristianos! mutilaverunt 完成时 they did mutilate mutilo-are-avi 1 mutilate; Eng. mutilate 使断 肢,使残废 narrat s/he tells, relates; narro-are1 relate, tell Eng. narration, narrate, narritive nobis to us, for us nullus-a-um no one, not any occisi sunt were killed; occido-ere-cidi-cisum 2 kill; coccis 是 occisus 的复数主格(sunt) Eng. occident <occidere [to set] opulentia-ae wealth; Eng. opulence, oplent ostentare to show ostento-are 1 show; Eng. ostentation 炫耀,夸示,卖弄,风头主义 paganus-i pagan 异教徒 populus-i people; Eng. populace 大众,平民, popular, popularity, populate, population, populous pro+abl. in return for quando when recitare recito-are 1 recite, read aloud rogavit s/he asked rogo-are-avi 1 ask Romanus-i the Romans saevitia-ae cruelty suffragium-i vote Eng. suffrage 投票,投票权; suffragette 鼓吹妇女参政的妇女; suffragist 主张 妇女应有参政权者 unus one vacat vaco-are 1 be idle, empty; Eng. vacancy, vacant, vacate, vacation, vacuum victima-ae victim videre video-ere.vidi,visum 2 see; Eng. video, vide 参见 vide ante; vide infra; vide post; vide supra; videlicet viz. namely volebant they wanted volo, velle want; vult volunt commentarii: 1 scholae magister disciplis historiam Christianorum bestiarumque narrat In the school, the master is recounting the story of the Christians and the beasts to the students。Scholae 是 schola 的属格;Disciplis 是 dicciplus 的复 数与格;是间接宾语,用与格(dative); historiam historia –ae 的单数宾格;chiritianus -i christianorum bestiarum 复数属格(of)
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