CAPITVLVM DECIMVM CAP.X Theodorus enim fuerat monachus pius et omnibus amicus.For Theodorus had been a pious monk and a friend to all Fuerat amicus omnibus,vir pius et humilis.He had been a friend to everyone, a pious and humble man. 三历时性宾格 历时性宾格(accusative of duration)表示时间的延续性,课文中的例子: Monachi multos dies erant pavidi tacitique.For many days the monks were fearful and silent Dani in regione iam viginti annos non visi erant.The Danes had not been seen in the region now for twenty years. et vos unam horam sine me laborabitis et opera perficietis.and you will work without me for one hour and will finish the tasks. multos dies for many days:viginti annos for twenty years:unam horam for one hor.句中dies,annos,horam是dies,annus,.hora宾格形式。 注意: 1,历时性宾格不是指动作发生的时间,也不是在什么时间发生,而是描述该动作或事件的 持续性。这种结构在拉丁语中不需要介词,而在英语中需要介词fo 2.注意与时间夺格相区别,时间夺格表示一个事件发生“在何时”、“在何时内” Die laboramus.(dies,diei 5 daylight.We are working in the daylight) Hieme dies breves,aestate longi sunt.hiems,hiemis winter,aestas,aestatis summer.In the winter,the day is short,in the summer,the day is long. 四不规则动词nolō和malō(供参阅) 第六讲中介绍了不规则动词volō,volō有两个衍伸的复合词:nolo和malo。 nolōnolle noluT(n+volo)不希望,不原意not to wish,to be unwilling malōmalle maluT(magis+-volo)更想要to want(sth)more or instead,prefer 这两个词也是不规则动词,尤其在现在时系统中: 直陈现在时主动: Volo velle volui Nōlōnōllenōlui Malōmale malui volō nōl6 malō VIs non vis mavis yult non vult mavult volumus nolumus malumus vultis non vultis mavultis volunt nolunt malunt 3CAPITVLVM DECIMVM CAP.X 3 Theodorus enim fuerat monachus pius et omnibus amicus. For Theodorus had been a pious monk and a friend to all Fuerat amicus omnibus, vir pius et humilis. He had been a friend to everyone, a pious and humble man. 三 历时性宾格 历时性宾格(accusative of duration)表示时间的延续性,课文中的例子: Monachi multos dies erant pavidi tacitique. For many days the monks were fearful and silent Dani in regione iam viginti annos non visi erant. The Danes had not been seen in the region now for twenty years. et vos unam horam sine me laborabitis et opera perficietis.and you will work without me for one hour and will finish the tasks. 其中,multos dies for many days;viginti annos for twenty years;unam horam for one hour. 句中 dies, annos, horam 是 dies, annus, hora 宾格形式。 注意: 1. 历时性宾格不是指动作发生的时间,也不是在什么时间发生,而是描述该动作或事件的 持续性。这种结构在拉丁语中不需要介词,而在英语中需要介词 for. 2. 注意与时间夺格相区别,时间夺格表示一个事件发生“在何时”、“在何时内” Die laboramus. (dies, diei 5 daylight. We are working in the daylight) Hieme dies breves, aestate longi sunt. ( hiems, hiemis winter; aestas, aestatis summer. In the winter, the day is short, in the summer, the day is long. ) 四 不规则动词 nōlō 和 mālō (供参阅) 第六讲中介绍了不规则动词 volō,volō 有两个衍伸的复合词:nolo 和 malo 。 nōlō nōlle nōluī (nē+volō) 不希望,不原意 not to wish, to be unwilling mālō mālle māluī (magis+volō) 更想要 to want (sth) more or instead, prefer 这两个词也是不规则动词,尤其在现在时系统中: 直陈现在时主动: Volō velle voluī Nōlō nōlle nōluī Mālō mālle māluī volō vīs vult nōlō nōn vīs nōn vult mālō māvīs māvult volumus vultis volunt nōlumus nōn vultis nōlunt mālumus māvultis mālunt
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