This CONTRACT is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers:whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below. 兹经买卖双方同意,由买方购进、卖方售出下列货物,并按下列条教签订本合同。 例10 The plant,machinery and equipment,raw materials,components and the Products shall be insured by JVC for adequate Products or which may render the Products unfit for consumption. 合营公司应为厂房、机器设各、原材料、部件和产品投保,一且发生火灾、暴风雨、风暴、事故、水灾、盗窃和可能损害或降低 产品的价值或使产品不适用于消费的其他风险,保险获得的略付应足以重置该财产。 翻译方法多种多样:选择翻译方法的目的是使译文达到确定的翻译标准,以实现其交际功能。所以,我们应该根据翻译标准的要 求、法律文献的文体特点,再结合读者对象和适用场合等因素,确定具体的翻译方法, 翻译实践练习 (一)、合同(contract)常用术语、表达方式及其译法 1.contract 2.contract of employment 3.sales confirmation 4.name of commodity 5.quantity 6.total value 7.confimmation 8.contract of trade 9.contract of purchase 10.specification 11.unit price 12.packing 13.country of origin and manufacture 14.timeof destination 16.other terms 17.the sellers 18.hereafter to be called the first party (the second party) 19.expiration of the contrac 20.guarantee period 21.transshipment 22.partial shipment 23.terms of payment 24.insurance]This CONTRACT is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below. 兹经买卖双方同意,由买方购进、卖方售出下列货物,并按下列条款签订本合同。 例10 The plant, machinery and equipment, raw materials, components and the Products shall be insured by JVC for adequate replacement value against fire, storm, tempest, accident, flood, theft and other risks which may destroy or diminish the value of the Products or which may render the Products unfit for consumption. 合营公司应为厂房、机器设备、原材料、部件和产品投保,一旦发生火灾、暴风雨、风暴、事故、水灾、盗窃和可能损害或降低 产品的价值或使产品不适用于消费的其他风险,保险获得的赔付应足以重置该财产。 翻译方法多种多样;选择翻译方法的目的是使译文达到确定的翻译标准,以实现其交际功能。所以,我们应该根据翻译标准的要 求、法律文献的文体特点,再结合读者对象和适用场合等因素,确定具体的翻译方法。 翻译实践练习 (一)、合同(contract)常用术语、表达方式及其译法 1. contract 2. contract of employment 3. sales confirmation 4. name of commodity 5. quantity 6. total value 7. confirmation 8. contract of trade 9. contract of purchase 10. specification 11. unit price 12. packing 13. country of origin and manufacturer 14. time of destination 15. port of destination 16. other terms 17. the sellers 18. hereafter to be called the first party (the second party) 19. expiration of the contract 20. guarantee period 21. transshipment 22. partial shipment 23. terms of payment 24. insurance]
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