作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 课本P32练习二 ①《汉英翻译教程》陈宏薇,上海外语教育出版社,2004 ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭伟,国防工业出版社,2006 ③《汉英翻译教程》朱徽,重庆大学出版社,2004 参考文献 ④《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌等,陕西人民出版社,1983 Chapter 3 A Contrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English andChinese From the angle of translatology[ translo'tolodzi翻译学,ta evel. But thought level is the basis and precondition upon which the otherlevels are built. So in this chapter we shall trace back cultural backgroundscontributing to differences in thought patterns between English and Chinese. L. Syntheticthought VS. Analytic[.aena'litik] Thought lines to(傾向于) combine separate parts of anobject or idea into a unity,, and integrate" tigrett]整合,使,成整体 its qualities, relations and the like.Whie nes to disintegrate a unity into small parts or separate its qualities, relations and the like. Both synthetic thought and analytic thought are basic forms of humanthought. They are associated with each other. There is no nation in the worldthat only has synthetic thought or analytic one. It is due to the influence oftraditional culture that Chinese people are well developed in synthesis and English-speaking people are well developed in analysis. (See student's I. Intuition VS. Evidence 1. Intuition Chineserecognize the world from the point of view of entirety instead of practicalanalysis. They tend to perceive it from intuition [ intju(: yifan JEJE. Among traditional ancient Chinese religions. Confucianism, Taoismand Chinese buddhism, regardless of their dissimilation(异化), all suggests understandingthe objects by insightful有深刻见解的,富 有洞察力的 intuition. Chinese signify(表示) an emphasis on direct experiences, and tend to stick to empiricism( em pirisizam經驗主義 in theory. Therefore they achieve intuitive comprehension andinsight, which is very difficult to explain in words, only to be sensed by themind and does not allow people to understand an object very clearly. Forexample in Chinese traditional religions, concepts like“天”“道”“气”“理” are quite ambiguous andunclear 2. Evidence(See students book P. 29) Ill. Image Thought and Abstract Thought (Figurative Thinking VS Logical Thinking) Image thought is a psychological processin which human beings analyze, synthesize (I'sineisaiz] v. A k)andremake memory presentations in brain so as to form new ones. It is a specialform of thought, namely, imagination. For example once we think of unacquaintance, his or her look would appear at once at our brains. Abstract Thought also called logical thought, is a mental process in which conceptis used for judging and inferring Image thought and abstract thought are two forms of thought activities. Generally speaking, Chinese people are well developed in image thought, while English people are well devel )The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent. 花园里面是人间乐园,有的是吃不完的太米白面,穿不完的绫罗繼缎和花不完的金银財宝。 2) Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall. 他的冷漠态度把所有参观者当在展览馆门外 In English abstract nouns are used while in Chinese concrete nounsare used because of different thought patterns. ( Seestudent's book P. 30) IV. EthicsVS Cognition(See students book P25 TranslationExercises 乞丐和富人 我把钱放在一个乞丐的钵子里的时候,有个好心人走过来对我说:“台北有百分之九十九的乞丐都是假的,你当心他拿你的钱去花天酒地。” 我说:“只要做了乞丐就没有假的,因为他伸手要钱的时候,心情就是乞丐了。心情是乞丐的人,即使他四肢完好,孔武有力,家财万贯,也仍然是个乞丐,更值得同情值得 施舍。”同样的,一个穷人只要有富有的心情,他就是一个富人了。 Beggars and the rich A man seeing me put money into the bowl ofa beggar, came up and warned me with the best of intentions: "Beware of beggarsin Taipei. Ninety-nine percent of them are cheats. They will spend your money Beggars cant be cheats, I answered. Assoon as a man holds out his hand for money, he has spiritually identifiedhimself with a beggar. An able-bodied or even a wealthy man who voluntarilyidentifies himself with the beggar is actually a beggar and thus all the moredeserves pity and charity 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 教授 课程性质 翮译理论与实践(汉译英)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业 技能必修课,开设在第六学期,为学位课 教学目的 通过对汉英对比研究,了解两种语言在文字、词语、语法以及文 化方面的差异 授课内容 第四章汉英对比研究作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 课本P.32 练习二 参考文献 ①《汉英翻译教程》陈宏薇,上海外语教育出版社,2004 ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭伟,国防工业出版社,2006 ③《汉英翻译教程》朱徽,重庆大学出版社,2004 ④《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌等, 陕西人民出版社,1983 Chapter 3 AContrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English andChinese From the angle of translatology[.trænslə'tɔlədʒi]翻译学, translation includes thought level, semantic level and aestheticlevel. But thought level is the basis and precondition upon which the otherlevels are built. So in this chapter we shall trace back cultural backgroundscontributing to differences in thought patterns between English and Chinese. I. Syntheticthought VS. Analytic [.ænə'litik] Thought Synthetic thought inclines to(傾向于)combine separate parts of anobject or idea into a unity, and integrate [ 'intigreit ]整合,使...成整体 its qualities, relations and the like. While analytic thoughtinclines to disintegrate a unity into small parts or separate its qualities,relations and the like. Both synthetic thought and analytic thought are basic forms of humanthought. They are associated with each other. There is no nation in the worldthat only has synthetic thought or analytic one. It is due to the influence oftraditional culture that Chinese people are well developed in synthesis andEnglish-speaking people are well developed in analysis. (See student’s bookP.27) II. Intuition VS. Evidence 1. Intuition Chineserecognize the world from the point of view of entirety instead of practicalanalysis. They tend to perceive it from intuition [.intju(:)'iʃən ]直觉. Among traditional ancient Chinese religions, Confucianism, Taoismand Chinese Buddhism, regardless of their dissimilation(异化), all suggests understandingthe objects by insightful有深刻见解的, 富 有洞察力的intuition.Chinese signify(表示) an emphasis on direct experiences, and tend to stick to empiricism[em'pirisizəm ]經驗主義in theory. Therefore they achieve intuitive comprehension andinsight, which is very difficult to explain in words, only to be sensed by themind and does not allow people to understand an object very clearly. Forexample in Chinese traditional religions, concepts like “天” “道” “气” “理” are quite ambiguous andunclear. 2. Evidence (See student’s book P.29) III. Image Thought and Abstract Thought (Figurative Thinking VS. Logical Thinking) Image thought is a psychological processin which human beings analyze, synthesize ([ 'sinθisaiz] v. 合成) andremake memory presentations in brain so as to form new ones. It is a specialform of thought, namely, imagination. For example once we think of anacquaintance, his or her look would appear at once at our brains. AbstractThought also called logical thought, is a mental process in which conceptis used for judging and inferring. Image thought and abstract thought are two forms of thought activities. Generally speaking, Chinese people are well developed in image thought, while English people are well devel 1) The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent. 花园里面是人间乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎和花不完的金银财宝。 2)Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall. 他的冷漠态度把所有参观者当在展览馆门外。 In English abstract nouns are used while in Chinese concrete nounsare used because of different thought patterns. (Seestudent’s book P.30) IV. EthicsVS. Cognition (See student’s book P.25) TranslationExercises 乞丐和富人 我把钱放在一个乞丐的钵子里的时候,有个好心人走过来对我说:“台北有百分之九十九的乞丐都是假的,你当心他拿你的钱去花天酒地。” 我说:“只要做了乞丐就没有假的,因为他伸手要钱的时候,心情就是乞丐了。心情是乞丐的人,即使他四肢完好,孔武有力,家财万贯,也仍然是个乞丐,更值得同情值得 施舍。”同样的,一个穷人只要有富有的心情,他就是一个富人了。 Beggars and the rich A man seeing me put money into the bowl ofa beggar, came up and warned me with the best of intentions: “Beware of beggarsin Taipei. Ninety-nine percent of them are cheats. They will spend your moneyon alcohol and fancy women.” “Beggars can’t be cheats,” I answered. “Assoon as a man holds out his hand for money, he has spiritually identifiedhimself with a beggar. An able-bodied or even a wealthy man who voluntarilyidentifies himself with the beggar is actually a beggar and thus all the moredeserves pity and charity.” Conversely, a poor man who has a resourceful mind isactually a rich man. 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 翻译理论与实践(汉译英)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业 技能必修课,开设在第六学期,为学位课程。 教学目的 通过对汉英对比研究,了解两种语言在文字、词语、语法以及文 化方面的差异。 授课内容 第四章汉英对比研究