力学季刊 第34卷 (o,+7) >to X(5)∈C|v, x(x,)∈C 51) V×(0,4+7) 图3时空坐标系下当前物理构形对应之曲线坐标系构成微分同胚示意 设想参数构形的几何形态规则且不随时间变化 Fig. 3 Sketch of the diffeomorphism with respect to current physical configurations in spatial-temporal ordinates in which the parametric configurations are supposed as geometrical regular and invariant with time Boundary of Solid Body x-Cine Curve (x)=2(x,…,) 图4m-1维曲面上标架以及基此构建的半正交m维(全维)曲线坐标系示意图 Fig. 4 Sketches of local frames on a m-1 dimensional surface and the full dimensional semi-orthogonal curvilinear coordinates 其空间局部协变基为 t)△ aX -(xx,c",t)=g;(xy,t)+ (x,t)=(}-x"b 1)g;(xx,t) 在曲面上此局部基正好为曲面自身所诱导的局部基9(x2,t)A少(,b)以及曲面单位法向量8% îÍ>Áê:-xÂtÒþtû|Í>ÁÂåY9ñsqr8$ Ðu#$Ât*89tGP×vðº3m³$ !"#$% 45(*67&8*7('"88(&0&+27")0 <"*7+()2(6**&6-++(.*27=)"6396&.8"#-+3*"&.)".)23*"39*(02&+39 6&+'".3*()".<7"67*7(23+30(*+"66&.8"#-+3*"&.)3+()-22&)('3)#(&0(*+"639+(#-93+3.'".:3+"3.*<"*7*"0($ 8' 0Y!Dû>¨QZ+wÂü*a 0 D"½D#û|Í>Áqr8 !"#$' 45(*67()&89&6398+30()&.30Y!'"0(.)"&.39)-+836(3.'*7(8-99 '"0(.)"&.39)(0"&+*7&#&.396-+:"9".(3+6&&+'".3*() Ú3{@AvÍ6v (3!9$ "9F ";$K "S "93 $ !9$ "9F ";$<(3 $ !9$ ";$=9F "' "93 $ !9$ ";$<!32 3B9F 72 3$(2 $ !9$ ";$ (F !9$ "9F ";$K "S "9F $ !9$ "9F ";$<'!9$ "; - . / $ oÅïáb@A6vÅï¢uDpN<@A6(3 $ !9$ ";$K "$ "93 $ !9$ ";$dÅ ï v w B ç 78" & ' ( ) !!""