·660. 智能系统学报 第14卷 划。与直线部分类似,S型速度规划可保证加速度 参考文献: 连续。 [1]LIU Huashan,LAI Xiaobo,WU Wenxiang.Time-optimal 加速度为600mm/s2 加速度为2800mm/s and jerk-continuous trajectory planning for robot manipu- 450 lators with kinematic constraints[J].Robotics and com- puter-integrated manufacturing,2013,29(2):309-317. 50 [2]GIBERTI H,SBAGLIA L.URGO M.A path planning al- 5420 gorithm for industrial processes under velocity constraints 410 with an application to additive manufacturing[J].Journal of 550 manufacturing systems,2017,43:160-167. Y/mm -100 450500 [3]ABU-DAKKA F J,ASSAD I F,ALKHDOUR R M,et al. -200350 400 X/mm Statistical evaluation of an evolutionary algorithm for min- 图7圆弧插补运动的位移曲线 imum time trajectory planning problem for industrial ro- Fig.7 The displacement curve of arc interpolation motion bots[J].The international journal of advanced manufactur- ing technology,2017,891/2/3/4):389-406. 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