河北医科大学药学院 二、Features of Metabolites of Marine 1.Unique Environment of Marine Living Thing Marine ore survive in the terrestrially Unsually high or low/constant Sea Has Higher Biodiversity Than Land “海魔” 059 5065m t 2007年8月26日美国生活科学:英科学家从深度达到的 5和采的连提中新发现了一选非者专特的降洋季物, 最新海洋生物普查 天然药化教研室史清文教授 8 河北医科大学药学院 天然药化教研室史清文教授 8 二、Features of Metabolites of Marine What’s difference in Metabolites between marine organism and terrestrial organisms? Sea Has Higher Biodiversity Than Land 1. Unique Environment of Marine Living Things Marine organisms survive in the terrestrially unusual conditions  Higher salt content (High salinity)  Low or zero light and limited oxygen  Poor nutrition  High pressure  Unusually high or low/constant temperatures 海洋卤化过程:卤离子,特别是溴离子诱导作用产生的分子环化或重排 的过程。海洋卤化过程产生了大量结构独特的萜类,如仅凹顶藻一属就分 离出26种骨架类型的400多种萜类化合物。 HN O NH O 1 HN O NH O 2 Gram-positive bacterium obtained from 5065 m deep ocean sediment from the Central Pacific Basin, the deepest reported sample from which a new natural product has been isolated. Both exhibit significant cytotoxicity against human tumour cell lines, as well as moderate antiviral activity against Herpes simplex virus-II (HSV-II). B. S. Davidson and R. W. Schumacher, Tetrahedron, 1993, 49, 6569. 5065 m “海魔” 一种只能在2700米以下水域 找到的怪异生物 A deep-sea fungus, Phialocephala sp., obtained at a depth of 5059 m, has yielded the novel metabolite trisorbicillinone A, bearing a unique trimeric sorbicillin skeleton, and exhibiting significant cytotoxicity towards murine P388 and HL60 cells (IC50=9.10 and 3.14 mM, respectively). The same group identified a further two new antineoplastic antibiotic bisorbicillinoids from the same sample, designated oxosorbiquinol and dihydrooxosorbiquinol. D. Li, F. Wang, X. Xiao, et al. Tetrahedron Lett., 2007, 48, 8083 and 5235. 5059 m 2007年8月26日美国生活科学网: 英国科学家从深度达到约 3500米的海域中新发现了一些非常奇特的海洋生物。 “The Deep-Sea Biodiversity holds major promise for the treatment of human diseases” ---Dr. Sara Maxell, Medicines from the Deep, 2005 • 历时10年的全球“海洋生物普查”项目2011年10月4日在伦敦发布最终 报告: 根据普查得出的统计数据,海洋生物物种总计约100万多种,其中 25万种是人类已知的海洋物种,其他75多万种海洋物种人类知之甚少,这 些人类不甚了解的物种大多生活在北冰洋、南极和东太平洋未被深入考察 的海域。丰富的海洋生物蕴藏着巨大的开发潜力,海洋是人类未来的大药房。 透 明 海 参 透 明 无 壳 海 蜗 牛 南 极 海 底 生 物 最新海洋生物普查
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