化色彩的词语来翻译原有词语,其长处在于能使译文读起来比较地道和生动。归化不仅使译文符合译入语的表达习惯,还要使原文的文化特色符合译入语文化规约。 这次比赛他输得一塌糊涂 erloo in thiscompetition.( met his Waterloo如果按照字面直译为去见滑铁卢,会令汉语读者大惑不解,这个习语的来历与拿破仑有关,矮个 子拿破仑一生叱咤风云,可谓常胜将军,因而在滑铁卢一战遭到惨败,使他无力回天,因此,该习语译为遭到毁灭性打击,后果不堪设想。 请勿用物件预留座位 ats shall be reserved for warm bodies only. 他俩在饭店一向各付各的 Both of them always go Dutch at therestaurant.(荷兰人喜欢算账,无论和别人做什么事,都要同对方把账算得清清楚楚,因此逐渐形成了“let utch”让我们做荷兰人的俗语) 情人眼里出西施 Beauty is in the: eye of the beholder.观注者 洗心革面 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王 Among the blind the one-eyed man isking 现在合同已签了。真是木已成舟,生米煮成熟饭,只好如此了 As the contract has been signed what's done is done and can' t be undone. 难怪他数学那么好,他父母都是数学教授。“龙生龙,风生凤,老鼠生儿会打洞“嘛 No wonder he is so good at maths -his parentsare professors of maths. "Like father, like son",indeed. 绝大多数译者在将外语译成本族语时,几乎会毫不例外地要对译文作归化处理,而将本族语译成外语时,异化的成分占了相当大的比例。 归化和异化可以看作是直译和异译的概念的延伸,但并不等同于直译和意译。它们包含了深刻的文化、文学乃至政治的内涵,将语言层次的讨论延续升格至文化、诗学 和政治层面,是互为补充的翻译政策和方法。不论选择哪种政策,都着眼于读者和社会的需要。既然翻译是为读者或语言接受者服务,所以归化和异化,都应该尽力为不同 的读者架起文化鸿沟的桥梁 5. Comments and Conclusion Functionalist theory places emphasis on the expectedfunction of texts and translations, in this way, domestication andforeignization are not only not incompatible JE AJ, but shouldcomplement with each other. They are just two different strategies oftranslation, we should not bring them to extremes: What we should do is to drawa balance between the o sides, choosing one does not negate the applicationof another. That is to say, there is no point to say that one strategy isbetter than the other, so long as they can serve the intended function of thetext in the target language, each of them have their role in translation 参考资料:L. Text Book 2.陈昭卫,《简明翻译教程》国防工业出版社 3朱徽,《汉英翻译教程》重庆大学出版 IIL. Exercises slation? What is free translation? What principles should a or abide by when applying them to translation? 2. Put thefollowing sentences into Chinese, using either literal or free translation. (1) Every life has its roses and thorns (2) He was a dead shot. However, he met his Waterloo this time. (3)After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands onslippery ground (5)She'd never again believe anything in trousers (6) Nixon was pleased by the distinction, but not overwhelmed. (7)"I'lI have Lisa where I want her. (8) Yet China was a land of constant surprise and shiftingimpression. 3. Translate the passage When the Moon Follows Me(on P.156) into Chines 4. Translate the passage utheringHeights(on P.210) into Chinese. 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 教授 课程性质翻译理论与实践课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课 教学目的使学生可以全面地懂得语言对比规律在翻译中的重要意义 授课内容 第四讲翻译的语言对比规律 教学重点语义的差异、词法的差异、句法的差异、思维的差异 教学难点 句法的差异、思维的差异 果时分配 六学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动化色彩的词语来翻译原有词语,其长处在于能使译文读起来比较地道和生动。归化不仅使译文符合译入语的表达习惯,还要使原文的文化特色符合译入语文化规约。 这次比赛他输得一塌糊涂。 He met his Waterloo in thiscompetition. (met his Waterloo如果按照字面直译为去见滑铁卢,会令汉语读者大惑不解,这个习语的来历与拿破仑有关,矮个 子拿破仑一生叱咤风云,可谓常胜将军,因而在滑铁卢一战遭到惨败,使他无力回天,因此,该习语译为遭到毁灭性打击,后果不堪设想。) 请勿用物件预留座位。 Seats shall be reserved for warm bodies only. 他俩在饭店一向各付各的。 Both of them always go Dutch at therestaurant.(荷兰人喜欢算账,无论和别人做什么事,都要同对方把账算得清清楚楚,因此逐渐形成了 “let’s go Dutch”让我们做荷兰人的俗语) 情人眼里出西施。 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.观注者 洗心革面 To turn over a new leaf 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。    Among the blind the one-eyed man isking. 现在合同已签了。真是木已成舟,生米煮成熟饭,只好如此了。 As the contract has been signed, what’s doneis done and can’t be undone. 难怪他数学那么好,他父母都是数学教授。“龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠生儿会打洞“嘛。 No wonder he is so good at maths—his parentsare professors of maths. “Like father, like son”, indeed. 绝大多数译者在将外语译成本族语时,几乎会毫不例外地要对译文作归化处理,而将本族语译成外语时,异化的成分占了相当大的比例。 归化和异化可以看作是直译和 异译的概念的延伸,但并不等同于直译和意译。它们包含了深刻的文化、文学乃至政治的内涵,将语言层次的讨论延续升格至文化、诗学 和政治层面,是互为补充的翻译政策和方法。不论选择哪种政策,都着眼于读者和社会的需要。既然翻译是为读者或语言接受者服务,所以归化和异化,都应该尽力为不同 的读者架起文化鸿沟的桥梁。 5. Comments and Conclusion Functionalist theory places emphasis on the expectedfunction of texts and translations, in this way, domestication andforeignization are not only not incompatible矛盾的, but shouldcomplement with each other. They are just two different strategies oftranslation, we should not bring them to extremes: What we should do is to drawa balance between the two sides, choosing one does not negate the applicationof another. That is to say, there is no point to say that one strategy isbetter than the other, so long as they can serve the intended function of thetext in the target language, each of them have their role in translation. 参考资料:1. Text Book 2. 陈昭卫,《简明翻译教程》国防工业出版社,2006 3.朱徽,《汉英翻译教程》重庆大学出版社,2004 Ⅲ. Exercises 1. What isliteral translation? What is free translation? What principles should atranslator abide by when applying them to translation? 2. Put thefollowing sentences into Chinese, using either literal or free translation. (1) Every life has its roses and thorns. (2) He was a dead shot. However, he met his Waterloo this time. (3) After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands onslippery ground. (4) He carried his age astonishing well. (5) She’d never again believe anything in trousers. (6) Nixon was pleased by the distinction, but not overwhelmed. (7) “I’ll have Lisa where I want her.” (8) Yet China was a land of constant surprise and shiftingimpression. 3. Translate the passage When the Moon Follows Me (on P.156)into Chinese. 4. Translate the passageWutheringHeights (on P.210) into Chinese. 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 翻译理论与实践课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课。 教学目的 使学生可以全面地懂得语言对比规律在翻译中的重要意义 授课内容 第四讲翻译的语言对比规律 教学重点 语义的差异、词法的差异、句法的差异、思维的差异 教学难点 句法的差异、思维的差异 课时分配 六学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动
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