Conditions of Agreement or the local standards and specifications of the site of works shall be applied.Party A shall provide to Party B the agreed standards and specifications which shall be made in duplicate within the specific period of time in accordance to the Conditions of Agreement. In the event to relevant standards and specifications are available in the PRC.Party B shall propose workmanship for the works within the specific period of time and in accordance with the requirements under the Conditions of Agreement and the same shall be implemented upon approval by Party A's representative:Party Ashall provide Chinese translation for such foreign standards and specifications he requires to apply.All the cost arising from the purchase,translation and stipulation of the standards and specifications herein shall be bome by PartyA. 第四单元商务英语翻译 商务英语中广泛运用的各种信函具有特定的格式,使用专门的术语。要求学生重点了解这类实用文体的特点,做到能理解正确, 翻译准确、格式符合 翻译实践练习 1. Dear sirs. You wrote on 28hJanuary informing us that the mohair rugs supplied to the above order had been dispatched,bur we regret to say that they have not yet reached us.We expected them a week ago and on the faith of your notification for promised immediate delivery to a number of our customers,who naturally feel that we have let them down. Delivery of the rugs is nowa matter of urgency.Will you please find out from British Ral what has happened to the consignment and let us know when we may expect delivery.We are of course making our own enquiries at this end. Yours faithfully, 参考译文: 做启者: 您于1月28日来信中告知我们,您按定单上所提供的安哥拉地毯已经运出,但我们迄今未收到,额 为遗憾.我们原预计在一周前就能收到货物,同时,对贵公司的发货通知深具信心,我们已承诺许多顾客 立即为他们送货。因此,顾客一定会认为我们所言不实,有失信誉。 地毯急需交货,贵公司是否可以向大英铁路局查询该批货物的下落,并通知我方交货时间,我方亦 自当尽量查询。 减挚问候 Dear Sir or MadamConditions of Agreement or the local standards and specifications of the site of works shall be applied. Party A shall provide to Party B the agreed standards and specifications which shall be made in duplicate within the specific period of time in accordance to the Conditions of Agreement. In the event to relevant standards and specifications are available in the PRC, Party B shall propose workmanship for the works within the specific period of time and in accordance with the requirements under the Conditions of Agreement and the same shall be implemented upon approval by Party A’s representative; Party A shall provide Chinese translation for such foreign standards and specifications he requires to apply. All the cost arising from the purchase, translation and stipulation of the standards and specifications herein shall be borne by Party A. 第四单元 商务英语翻译 商务英语中广泛运用的各种信函具有特定的格式,使用专门的术语。要求学生重点了解这类实用文体的特点,做到能理解正确, 翻译准确、格式符合 翻译实践练习 1. Dear sirs, You wrote on 28th January informing us that the mohair rugs supplied to the above order had been dispatched, bur we regret to say that they have not yet reached us. We expected them a week ago and on the faith of your notification for promised immediate delivery to a number of our customers, who naturally feel that we have let them down. Delivery of the rugs is now a matter of urgency. Will you please find out from British Rail what has happened to the consignment and let us know when we may expect delivery. We are of course making our own enquiries at this end. Yours faithfully, 参考译文: 敬启者: 您于1月28日来信中告知我们,您按定单上所提供的安哥拉地毯已经运出,但我们迄今未收到,颇 为遗憾。我们原预计在一周前就能收到货物,同时,对贵公司的发货通知深具信心,我们已承诺许多顾客 立即为他们送货。因此,顾客一定会认为我们所言不实,有失信誉。 地毯急需交货,贵公司是否可以向大英铁路局查询该批货物的下落,并通知我方交货时间,我方亦 自当尽量查询。 诚挚问候 2. Dear Sir or Madam
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