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1 Background of the text 2 Text comprehension 3 Text structure 4 Language points 5 Analysis the long sentences in the text
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中央财经大学:《大学思辨英语教程》教学资源(精读)语言与文化(说课)- 以 Unit 7 Cultural Stereotypes 为例(黄丹婵)
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Unit 3 Feminist and Working-Class Women I Objective Distinction of the two discrepant values of the feminists and working-class women Learning about Newspaper lead Time Arrangement Text: 2 hours
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Unit 2 English Reserve and politeness I Objective Aware of the Characteristics of the English people A Figuring out general British personalities A Learning about headline Vocabulary Time arrangement Text:2 hours
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Unit 7 The dog that Nobody Wanted I Objective Understanding the passions between human being and animals Telling stories of King and its narcotic stories Aware of difference between straight news and feature news stories
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Unit 6 rescue I Objective Figuring out the assumptions and clues that help people to find Carl Making a review of the last 5 units Ⅱ Time Arrangement ①Text:1 hours Discussion: 1 hour Ⅲ Related information
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:442.5KB 文档页数:59
1 The Author 2 Pre-reading Questions 3 Textual Organization 4 Text Analysis 5 Discussion 6 Quiz
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Unit5 It's Tough at the Top I Objective Be aware of the meaning of human exploration and adventure Figuring out the true sense of this text Learning about Newspaper story Time arrangement Text:2 hours O Reading Skill: 1 hour Discussion o5 hour
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Unit 4 The american character i I Objective Aware of the fac tors that cause America' s diversity in life pattern Figuring out a general pattern of American personality Learning about Newspaper lead
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Unit 1 Invented Words I Objective Knowing the history of English vocabulary Understanding the composition of English vocabulary Learning reading skill: newspaper headlines Time Arrangement
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