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TECTONIC MODELING Significance of tectonic modeling History of tectonic modeling Methods of tectonic modeling General procedure of tectonic modeling
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1.褶皱等倾斜线图的编制 1.1褶皱等倾斜线图的编制
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Where is stress,ε strain and the Young's modulus or elastic modulus
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Strain Displacement Strain Strain field Strain determination in rocks
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1.几种典型的褶皱的基本几何特征 平行褶皱 相似褶皱 协调褶皱 不协调褶皱
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Review: 1.What is the orientation relationship between maximum shear stresses and principal stresses? 2. What are trajectories of principal stresses?
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(A)General triaxial stress ellipsoid in perspective view. (B)Views normal to each of the principal planes of the ellipsoid. (After W.D. Means,1976)
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OBSERVATION OF TECTONIC SAMPLES Observe tectonic samples in the STRUCTURAL SCOPE. Discuss what you observed with your group members. Select one representative of the group to exchange ideas with other groups in the class
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Planar fabric Linear fabric and the size and elements In one dimension is Are parallel to much Longer than that in one another the other two dimensions
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