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I write in the imperative(more modestly, in the exhortative) to one who has asked what one must read to understand our criminal law. And since this essay will address the relationship between desert and utility, let\canon\here mean a combination of those
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The Sarbanes-Oxley Act extends Washingtons oversight of corporate governance practices but offers questionable benefits to investors
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Arrow's disclosure paradox implies that information that is not afforded legal protection cannot be bought or sold on the market. This paper emphasizes the important relationship between the paradox of disclosure and the boundaries of the firm question. Only legally
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The law grants patents to inventors and copyrights to authors to encourage investments in technological and cultural innovation. While addressing an appropriability problem faced by innovators, these intellectual property rights create a different problem by supplying rightsholders with powerful weapons
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Professor Stephen Waddams'new book emphasizes the many dimensions of private law and seeks to prove the inadequacy of simple explanations or categorizations of this law. Waddams distrusts the divisions between public and private law, between property and obligations, and within obligations
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In recent years, there has been surge in academic interest in the \ownership\ of corporations, and in the links between ownership and performance The interest in this issue is driven by rapid changes going on in international capital markets, as well as in the corporate sector in many countries
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l. Policing and pr ocedure 2. Defining Crimes and Sent 3. Spending C. Executive branch politics and the
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corporation with its key attributes of independent personality, limited liability and free o n most countries large business enterprises today are organized as corporations. Th tradeability of shares has played a key role in most developed market economies since the
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