New Words dedicate:give, devote(one's time, energy, life, etc. to a noble cause or purpose If you dedicate yourself to something you decide to give a lot of time and effort to it because you think it is important
语言仅仅是一种编码的想法似乎很容易被人们接受,很多人在学生时代至少学过一种外语, 因此,我们知道在英语中“c a t”(猫)也可以被叫作g a t o、c h a t、K a t z e、K O I I I K或k a p a。 然而,数字不那么容易随文化的不同而改变。不论那种语言,也不管怎样读那些数字, 地球上我们能够遇到的几乎所有的人都用同样的方式来写数字:
Frequency response is the analysis of the response of systemswhen subjected to a sinusoidal change in input. When a linear system is subjected to a sinusoidal input, its ultimate response is also a sustained sinusoidal wave, with the same frequency. The figure below compares the output response of a system (solid line) with a sinusoidal input (dashed line) disturbing the system
1.1 The failures of classical physics 1.2 The characteristic of the motion of microscopic particles 1.3 The basic assumptions (postulates) of quantum mechanics 1.4 Solution of free particle in a box – a simple application of Quantum Mechanics