9.1 Reverse Eutectoid Transformations 9.1.1 Intro to austenite in Fe-C system 9.1.2 Formation mechanism of austenite 9.1.3 Kinetics of austenitization 9.1.4 Austenite grain growth and its control 9.2 Eutectoid Transformations
9.1 Reverse Eutectoid Transformations 9.1.1 Intro to austenite in Fe-C system 9.1.2 Formation mechanism of austenite 9.1.3 Kinetics of austenitization 9.1.4 Austenite grain growth and its control 9.2 Eutectoid Transformations 9.2.1 Intro to Pearlite in Fe-C system 9.2.2 Formation mechanism of pearlite 9.2.3 Kinetics of pearlite formation 9.2.4 Mechanical properties