4. Welfare Analysis and Other Issues a. Measuring Welfare b. First Order and Second Order Losses C. Taxes and Welfare d. Household Production (did last class) e. The Hedonic Approach
3. Comparative Statics a. Indirect Utility Functions b. Expenditure Functions and duality C. Expenditure Function and Price Indices d. Slutsky via Utility Functions e. Slutsky via Preferences
2. Choice and Utility Functions a. Choice in Consumer Demand Theory and Walrasian Demand b. Properties of demand from continuity and properties from WARP . Representing Preferences with a Utility Function d. Demand as Derived from Utility Maximization e. Application: Fertility
11. Competition and Monopoly, some preliminary discussions a. Monopoly Pricing b. Cournot and Bertrand Oligopoly C. Two Part Pricing d. Price Discrimination e. Regulation
10. More on Production a. Derived Demand-Marshall's Laws b. Long Run/Short Run, LeChatelier, Dynamics C. Aggregating Supply d. Theory of the Firm, the Holdup Problem e. Agency Issues f. Application: The Coase Theorem