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4. Welfare Analysis and Other Issues a. Measuring Welfare b. First Order and Second Order Losses C. Taxes and Welfare d. Household Production (did last class) e. The Hedonic Approach
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1、资源环境问题与经济、社会、政治、文化问题的交叉渗透 1.1 对经济发展的影响:资环约束增加经济发展的不确定性 1.2 对社会发展的影响:环境公平问题危及社会稳定 1.3 国际和国内政治压力:资源环境问题的政治性日益凸显 1.4 与文化生活的交织:环境与生态危机折射价值危机 2、资源环境问题对策 2.1 对社会发展目标的反思 2.2 “五位一体”的环境综合治理战略 2.3 “十九大”报告中的生态文明建设 3、案例: 低碳/绿色城市建设
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3. Comparative Statics a. Indirect Utility Functions b. Expenditure Functions and duality C. Expenditure Function and Price Indices d. Slutsky via Utility Functions e. Slutsky via Preferences
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2. Choice and Utility Functions a. Choice in Consumer Demand Theory and Walrasian Demand b. Properties of demand from continuity and properties from WARP . Representing Preferences with a Utility Function d. Demand as Derived from Utility Maximization e. Application: Fertility
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11. Competition and Monopoly, some preliminary discussions a. Monopoly Pricing b. Cournot and Bertrand Oligopoly C. Two Part Pricing d. Price Discrimination e. Regulation
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10. More on Production a. Derived Demand-Marshall's Laws b. Long Run/Short Run, LeChatelier, Dynamics C. Aggregating Supply d. Theory of the Firm, the Holdup Problem e. Agency Issues f. Application: The Coase Theorem
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《高中政治》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第七课 经济全球化与中国 7.2 做全球发展的贡献者
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第一章发展中国家和发展经济学 一、国家的分类 二、发展中国家 三、发展经济学
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审计学(中文)_12 整体的审计计划与审计程序
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:969.5KB 文档页数:22
审计学(中文)_15 完成销售和收款循环的测试:应收账款
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