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一、能量转换的可逆与不可逆现象 不可逆:焦耳热一电阻媒质导电产生热量Q、散发,与I流向无关,一去不返; 热扩散一一从高温T2→低温T热扩散(传导),单向过程;
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Controllability Definition: An LTI system is controllable if, for every a*(t d every T>0, there exists an input function u(t),0
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The finite element method(I for three-diwnensional robles Potential enery applied to one eleet
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not repeated in the same additive term where the index appears. Free means that the index represents all the values in its range Latin indices will range from 1 to, (i,j, k
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5.1少量合金元素 本章将分析Fe-i,Fe-mo,fe-ge,Fe-,e-sb,Fe-W, Fe-Si二元系中铁素体与奥氏体的平衡问题。 我们一般仍称这两个固溶体相为a,y。由a,两相平 衡,并使用规则溶液模型:
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I Introduction Silicates are compounds that mainly composed of [sio4]. It is the essential components of most rock and soil, such as quartz, feldspar, mica etc
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2.5 Indices of crystal planes and directions I What's crystal planes anddirect ions? The atomic planes anddirections passing through the crystal arecalled(crystal) planes and directionsrespectively
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To test if you are self-confidence or self-abasement Here are 32 issues for you. Read carefully. After you've got what they mean, please score according to the number array, and make out the level that fits you. The example below will show you how to example: I don't consider efficiency
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一、教学目的与要求 本讲以商业企业为例,阐述会计循环的基本步骤和方法。通过本讲的学习,要使学生: 1.了解会计循环的基本步骤; 2.掌握分析经济业务的基本方法; 3.理解期末账项调整的必要性和几类不同性质的调整账项的会计处理;
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Introduction Continues the discussion of middleware (i.e., tools and libraries programmers used to construct client-server software) Y Introduces the remote procedure call (RPC) concept, and describes a particular implementation of an rpc that uses XDr standard for data representation
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