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中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T5916-93 产蛋后备鸡、产蛋鸡、肉用仔鸡配合饲料代替GB5916-86
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2.1 Overview of the structure of microbial cells 2.2 Procaryotic cell wall 2.3 Cytoplasmic membrane 2.4 Cellular genetic information 2.5 Cytoplasmic matrix- Ribosome and Inclusions 2.6 Components external to the cell wall 2.7 Bacterial endospores
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Chapter outline 5.1 General Properties of Viruses 5.2 General Features of Virus Reproduction 5.3 Overview of Bacterial Viruses 5.4 Temperate Bacteriophages: Lysogeny and Lambda 5.5 Overview of Animal Viruses 5.6 Pox Viruses 5.7 Adcnoviruses 5.8 Retroviruses 5.9 Viroids and Prions
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Fungi are heterotrophic eukaryotic microorganisms They are nonphotosynthetic and typically form reproductive spores Algae are phototrophic eukaryotes that contain photosynthetic pigments within a structure called the chloroplast
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第一节线性模型与期望均方 第二节三个因素试验结果的分析
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一、花卉含义及有关概念 1、花卉的含义 2、花卉学的含义 3、花卉的栽培方式
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一、依据生态习性的分类 二、依据园林用途的分类 三、依据经济用途分类 四、依据自然分布的分类
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一、土壤性状与花卉的关系 二、各类花卉对于土壤的要求
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一、分株繁殖 二、吸芽繁殖 三、珠芽和零余子 四、走茎繁殖 五、根茎繁殖 六、球茎繁殖 七、鳞茎繁殖 八、块茎繁殖
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一、促成和抑制栽培的意义 二、花卉促成和抑制栽培的途径 三、促成和抑制栽培的方法
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