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2005年数学三试题分析、详解和评注 一、填空题(本题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分把答案填在题中横线上) (1)极限lim xsin x→∞ 2x=2 x2+1 【分析】本题属基本题型,直接用无穷小量的等价代换进行计算即可 【详解】 lim xsin2x=limx2x=2
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Uint I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: Now we have satellite and high-powered microscope, it s easy to think we know everything about the world; but we still dont understand EI Nino W: Right. Scientists all over the world over are even uncertain about the cause of the warm Pacific current that brings storms or drought-the mysterious EI Nino
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Ⅱ. Listening skills 1. M: Will you love and keep him in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live? Q: Who is the woman 2. W: Mike, wake upl It is time to go to school. Hurry up or you're going to be late M: Dont worry. I can sleep all day Did you forget today is Martin Luther King's
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Text 1 Match the following words with their proper Chinese meanings.(中英文搭配)
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Unit 2 1. Match the words with their proper Chinese meanings without looking at the vocabulary list
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Section I Listening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English you will hear selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section
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Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark [a],, [C] or [D] on ANSwER SHEET 1(10 points) The human nose is an underrated tool. Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, this is largely because
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Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark [a],, [C] or [D] on ANSwER SHEET 1.(10 points) By 1830 the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies had become independent nations. The roughly 20 million of these nations looked to
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Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANS WER SHEET 1. (10 points) Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer's piece
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Section I Listening Comprehension Directions This Section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English you will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A Part B and Part C
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