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The plasma membrane has a dual responsibility as a selective ely permeable barrier and transductor. The plasma membrane regulares the traffic of molecules into and out of the cell. Gases and small hydrophobic molecules by passive diffusion transport; Ions, sugars, amino acids, and sometimes water must be transported by a group of integral membrane proteins including
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一、线粒体和叶绿体是细胞内的两种产能细胞器。 二、线粒体与氧化磷酸化 三、叶绿体与光合作用 四、线粒体和叶绿体是半自主性细胞器 五、线粒体和叶绿体的增殖与起源
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Chapter 10 Cytoskeleton System 1 Introduction A Conception of Cytoskeleton(Narrow sense) A complex network of interconnected microfilaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments that extends throughout the cytosol
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Chapter 12 Cell differentiation and Cancer cells Cell differentiation 1. About the concept of cell differentiation The process that a cell changes to carry out a specialized function Marked by: Morphology /Structure/Function
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Chapter 1 Introduction to the cell Learning Objectives 1. About Cell Biology 2. Look briefly at the history of cell theory; 3. Consider the basic properties of cells; 4. Compare some characteristics of two different classes of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes; 5.comprehend a special life: viruses
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Chapter 3 Techniques in Cell Biology Preparatory observe put forward theoretics Design control tests Refer to knowledge Collect data Explain results Devise conclusion
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Chapter 5A. The Movement of Substances Across cell membranes Learning Obiectives 1. Principles of membrane transport 2. Passive transport and active transport; 3. Two main classes of membrane transport proteins Carriers and Channels
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Chapter 7 Energy Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts (1)Mitochondria: in all eukaryotic cells The relationship between the structure and function of mit. ()Chloroplasts: in plant cells The relationship between the structure and function of chI. Mit: Oxidative phosphorylation→atp hl: Photosynthesis→atp+ NADPH→ Sugar
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第一章 1.根据细胞生物学研究的内容与你所掌握的生命科学知识,客观地、恰当地估价细胞生物学在生命科学中所 处的地位以及它与其它生物科学的关系
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