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一、 获奖者: 二、克莱夫-格兰杰(Clive Granger)【英国,60】(美国加州大学圣迭戈分校) 三、罗伯特-恩格尔(Robert Engle) 【美国,69】(纽约大学)
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1. Historical background: The Victorian age can be roughly divided into three periods: (1) 1832-1848: a time of social unrest; (2) 1848-1870: a period of economic prosperity and religious controversy; (3) 1870-1901: a period of decay of Victorian values
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1. Historical background: The Constitutional monarchy set up by parliament in 1688 was a compromise between the bourgeoisie and the aristocrats. The cultural life had undergone remarkable changes. Newton’s scientific discovery and the philosophy of John Locke affected people’s thinking of the world
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1. Historical background The Elizabeth Age (1558-1603): England enjoyed peaceful development under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I, who maintained a balance of between the Protestants and the Catholics
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1. Historical background: (1) The Hundred Years War: The result of the war was an awakening of national consciousness in England. And the French language was gradually replaced by English native tongue. (2) The peasant uprising of 1381: It was the result of the conflict between the peasants and feudal lords
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1. Modernism: The twentieth century was marked by the two World Wars, the direct result of the conflicts between rival imperialist countries and their ambition to dominate the world. Roughly speaking, the development of English literature in the twentieth century can be divided into two stages, that is
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一. 生平与创作概况 老舍(1899-1966),原名舒庆春,字舍予,满族人。 1924年夏,老舍到英国伦敦大学东方学院任讲师。 1966年8月24日,老舍含冤跳太平湖自杀
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一、解释名词 虎门销烟 公行 闭关政策 《穿鼻草约》 亚罗号事件 《海国图志》 《四洲志》 二、思考题 1、鸦片战争的历史背景和英国发动鸦片战争的目的
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一.填空(每空 0.5 分,共 20 分) 1._________年 7 月,英国人___________组织了 570 人从莱斯特前往拉夫伯勒参加禁酒大会。此次旅行成为公认的近代商业性旅游活动的开端
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