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Index absorptance HT-54 cylindrical geometry see non-planar geometry absorption HT-57 adiabatic 0-5.0-9 Diesel cycle 2A-4 adiabatic efficiency see efficiency diffusivity ht-22 adiabatic flame temperature 2C-7 dissipation 1C-10 drag HT-24 Biot number HT-30, HT-36 black body HT-56, HT-63 see also
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Efficiency of growth and product formation 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Growth stoichiometry 3.2 Relationships between product formation and growth 3.3 Determination of maintenance energy requirement and maximum biomass yield
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一、原子半径(Atomic Radi)、电离势(Ionization Energy)、电子亲和能 (Electron Affinity)和电负性(Electronegativity)的周期性变化 (见第七章)
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3 Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopy C Gerd Gemmecker 1999 Models used for the description of NMR experiments 1. energy level diagram: only for polarisations, not dependent phenom
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1.初步了解原子核外电子运动的近代概念、原子能级、波粒二象性、原子轨道和电子云概念。2.了解四个量子数对核外电子运动状态的描述,掌握四个量子数的物理意义、取值范围。3.熟悉s、p、d原子轨道的形状和方向。4.理解原子结构近似能级图,掌握原子核外电子排布的一般规则和s、p、d、f区元素的原子结构特点。5.会从原子的电子层结构了解元素性质,熟悉原子半径、电离能、电子亲和能和电负性的周期性变化。 1.1 亚原子粒子Subatomic particles 1.2 波粒二象性— 赖以建立现代模型的量子力学概念 Wave-particle duality — a fundamental concept of quantum mechanics 1.3 氢原子结构的量子力学模型— 波尔模型 The quantum mechanical model of the structure of hydrogen atom —Bohr’s model 1.4 原子结构的波动力学模型 The wave mechanical model of the atomic structure 1.5 多电子原子轨道的能级 Energy level in polyelectronic atoms 1.6 基态原子的核外电子排布 Ground-state electron configuration 1.7 元素周期表 The periodic table of elements 1.8 原子参数 Atomic parameters
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The models of specific heat based on equipartition of energy and including rotational degrees of freedom as well as translational are able to explain specific heats for diatomic molecules. The departure from this model in the case of polyatomic molecules indicates vibrational involvement
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Whether and climate Weather is the condition of the atmosphere in terms of temperature, humidity, winds and precipitation Climate is defined as the average weather over various time periods ranging from a few weeks to decades to geological timescales Whether and climate are ultimately determined by location, topography, and the exchange of radiant energy between the Sun, Earth, and space
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A practical \blue-collar science initially concerned with economics industry, real life problems DYNAMICS--Concerned with the concepts of energy transfers between a system and its environment and the resulting
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Today's topics Specific fuel consumption and breguet range equation Transonic aerodynamic considerations Aircraft Performance Aircraft turning Energy analysis Operating envelope Deep dive of other performance topics for jet transport
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The corresponding coefficient relation If the volume and composition are constant the relation states that the ratio of the change in thermodynamic energy to the corresponding change in entropy
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