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Review Primary sedimentary structures Faults (thrust system, extensional fault system, strike-slip fault system) · Joints(tension joints, conjugate joints,en echelon joints) Folding (bending, buckling, flexural slip, flexural flow, passive folding, kinking)
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1. Solid sorption concepts Adsorption Adsorptiv adsorbent-adsorbatePhysical adsorption .Tragergas zeolite-water, silica gel-water, activated carbon- methanol/ammonia (endotherm) Chemical adsorption CaCl2-ammonia, Metal hydride Adsorbat hydrogen
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Renewable Energy Networks Grid code sets out requirements for grid interconnection. Most current renewable generation systems are treated as \negative\ load. Future systems MUST contribute to system frequency and voltage control. Grid interconnection usually \makes or breaks\ a project
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TECTONIC MODELING Significance of tectonic modeling History of tectonic modeling Methods of tectonic modeling General procedure of tectonic modeling
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Where is stress,ε strain and the Young's modulus or elastic modulus
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Review: 1.What is the orientation relationship between maximum shear stresses and principal stresses? 2. What are trajectories of principal stresses?
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Distillation Summary Distillation is a widely used separation process. The separation is based on the volatility difference of the components to be separated
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Definition of Accidental Trauma: Accident, Unexpected, Injuries Physically and/or Psychologically Causes: physical, chemical, and biological factors Main cause of mutilation and death in children globally
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Planar fabric Linear fabric and the size and elements In one dimension is Are parallel to much Longer than that in one another the other two dimensions
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Common type of necrosis after exogenous stimuli. Swelling, denaturation and coagulation of proteins Breakdown of cellular organelles Cell rupture
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