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1.掌握 (1)肾实质的结构特点和功能 (2)球旁复合体的组成和球旁细胞及致密斑的功能
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EPIDEMIOLOGY TBM Tuberculous Meningitis (TBM) The younger the children, the more readily to develop TBM. 60% in Children aged 1-3 years Death rate:15-30%
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Children need food of appropriate quantity and quality for optimal growth and development
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一、推荐营养摄入量(rNI):PRO,Vits 二、估计平均需要量(EAR):能量 三、消化酶的成熟与宏量营养素 四、进食技能发育
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Growth increments, the difference between initial and follow-up measurements, reflect recent growth rate(growth velocity) and are sensitive indicators of health and development
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一、体格生长的常用生长指标与规律 二、生长指标评价 三、骨骼发育 四、牙齿发育
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一、病因 控制血红蛋白肽链合成基因的遗传缺陷或突变,致使肽链合成障碍(合成速率变慢,合成量减少)
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1. To master growth patterns of common used growth parameters. 2. To understand how to assess growth and development. 3. To know the important regularities of growth and development
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一、定义 红细胞G-6PD活性降低或性质改变导致的遗传性溶血性贫血
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Aims to understand the process of child development to grasp- the key developmental milestones (including hearing, vision, four areas of development) to know developmental delay in child
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