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课程简介:全面、系统地介绍有关植物形态解剖学的基本知识、基本理论和 基本操作技术。主要硏究植物的形态、结构和生活现象,通过教学培养学生 辩证唯物主义思想,严肃认真的科学工作态度、分析问题的能力,并且为学 习专业课奠定必要的基础
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3.1 Overview of nitrogen in the biosphereand in plants
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2.1 Overview of diffusive and convective transport in plants 2.1.1 Diffusion and convection are the basis for solute transport. Diffusion: An independent movement of molecules driven by aconcentration gradient
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1.1 Overview of Photosynthesis 1.1.1 Photosynthesis is a biological oxidation-reduction process. Reaction 1.1: Photosynthesis CO2+2H2A→(
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Foliar fertilizer A foliar fertilizer is one that is applied to the surface of the plant. a Foliar uptake is important to aquatic plants and when nutrients are sprayed on foliage in horticulture and agriculture
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PREFACE前言 1. Introduction to the Course Nature of the Course Teaching Plan(54 hrs lec. +18 hrs exp.) Language of the Course (Bilingual Course)
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1. The Concept of Germplasm Resources种质资源的概念 Genetic Resources Gene Resources Varietal Resources Gene Bank It refers to all the plant materials used for plant breeding
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1. What is plant introduction Narrow sense---introduction of superior cultivars Broad sense---introduction of plants(or crops 2. Implications of plant introduction p.50-52
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1. What is Selection Breeding? Conception: p.63. 123 ie. Pedigree Breeding系统育种 Pure line Breeding纯系育种 Bulk- -selection Breeding( Mass selection,混合选择
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The Significance of Breeding for Resistance to Diseases and Insect Pests抗病虫育种的意义 1. Resistance of Crops to Diseases and Insect Pests (1) Disease and pest damages are popular in Crop Production
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