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第一讲 概述 第二讲 电力电子器件(一) 2.1 电力电子器件概述 2.2 不可控器件-电力二极管 2.3 半控型器件-晶闸管 第三讲 电力电子器件(二) 半控型器件-晶闸管 第四讲 电力电子器件(三) 3.0 概述 3.1 门极可关断晶闸管 3.2 电力晶体管 3.3 电力场效应晶体管 3.4 绝缘栅双极晶体管 第五讲 电力电子器件(四) 第五讲 整流与有源逆变(一) 第六讲 整流与有源逆变(二) 路 第七讲 整流与有源逆变(三) 7.1 变压器漏感对整流电路的影响 7.2 电容滤波的不可控整流电路 7.3 大功率可控整流电路 第八讲 整流与有源逆变(四) 8.1 整流电路的有源逆变工作状态 8.2 晶闸管直流电动机系统 第九讲 整流与有源逆变(五) 整流电路的谐波和功率因数 9.1 谐波和无功功率分析基础 9.2 带阻感负载时可控整流电路交流侧谐 波和功率因数分析 9.3 电容滤波的不可控整流电路交流侧谐 波和功率因数分析 9.4 整流输出电压和电流的谐波分析 第十讲 整流与有源逆变(六) 相控电路的驱动控制 10.1 同步信号为锯齿波的触发电路 10.2 集成触发器 10.3 触发电路的定相 第十一讲 直流斩波电路分析 第十一讲 直流斩波电路分析 11.1 基本斩波电路 11.1.1 降压斩波电路 11.1.2 升压斩波电路 11.1.3 升降压斩波电路和Cuk斩波电路 11.1.4 Sepic斩波电路和Zeta斩波电路 11.2 复合斩波电路和多相多重斩波电路 11.2.1 电流可逆斩波电路 11.2.2 桥式可逆斩波电路 11.2.3多相多重斩波电路 第十二讲. 交流电力控制电路和交交变频电路 第十三讲 无源逆变第十四讲 PWM控制技术 第十七讲 软开关技术 17.0 概述 17.1 软开关的基本概念 17.2 软开关电路的分类 17.3 典型的软开关电路
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Chapter 3 Solving Problems The Strategic Management of Information Technology
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Chapter 1 Introduction The Strategic Management of Information Technology
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Chapter 8 Mr robert d. Heap mBe Dr Roy b idge Refrigeration Technology Campden Chorleywood Food Research market Road Association
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一、技术(techinology 教育技术的概念(educational technology) 二、一般性概念 学科性概念
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In this unit, we'll learn something related to American culture. With the development of science and technology especially modern ways of communication, people in different countries in the world are getting to know more about each other. America is a country with great influence. What do you know about the country? And do you know something about American family? Actually
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Ames Lab's DOE Pulse Akka Science and Technology Highlights from the doE National Laboratories Number 141 September 15, 2003 Research Developing inspection methods Tevatron exceeds luminosity for ceramics Highlights
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INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 Milk Production and Biosynthesis CHAPTER 2 Milk Grading and Defects CHAPTER 3 Dairy Chemistry and Physics CHAPTER 4 Dairy Microbiology CHAPTER 5 Dairy Processing Clarification, Separation, Standardization Pasteurization UHT Treatment Homogenization Membrane Processing Evaporation and Dehydration Production and Utilization of Steam and Refrigeration CHAPTER 6 Dairy Products Overview and Fluid Milk Products Concentrated and Dried Milk Products Cultured Dairy Products Whipped Cream Ice Cream Butter Manufacture APPENDIX Glossary of Terms
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• Introduction • Instrument of OMS • Tandem Technology • Main Application
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Outline Structural Testing Why testing is important Types of Sensors, Procedures.... Mass, Static Displacement, Dynamics Test Protocol for 16.810 Explain protocol Sign up for time slots 16.810(16.682) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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