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10-1连续梁桥施工方法简介 10-2悬臂施工方法简介
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一、掌握铺麻醉床的目的、注意事项。 二、熟练掌握铺麻醉床的操作技巧。 三、熟练运用力学原理,节力省时。 四、仪表大方、举止端庄,工作认真细致,不怕脏不怕累
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一、概述 二、墩台帽 三、组墩台身
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第一节板桥的类型及特点 第二节简支板桥的构造
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2. 1 Saying what you do Fill in the blanks with a or an supervisor 6 manager 7 (2)Ⅴ tabular Look at the picture and label them with the job titles in the box ales manager
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Unit 3 Companies 3.1 Describing a company (1)Vocabulary Look at the name of the countries and area in the box. Write the nationality of each under the correct heading below. Add two more examples to each group
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Unit 4 The place of work 4.1 Giving directions () Listening Listen to a talk for new employees at Higgins Electronics and complete the company directory with the words in the box Reception Accounts Research and Development
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11.1 Finding someone a job (1)Grammar Complete this list of irregular verbs. Present Past simple Present Past simple
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Unit 17 Problems, problems 17.1 Dealing with problems (1)0) Listening and speaking Listen to someone talking about office problems. Offer to help by phoning the correct department. Use the words in the box to help you like this:
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Fill in the correct past simple form of the verb in(brackets) Five years ago production at Greville Motors(1) (rise)to 53,000 cars a year. Then the dollar(2) (fall). Prices in America(3) (go)up and sales (4)
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