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where a subscribed element of a matrix is always read as arou, column. Here we confine the element to be real number a vector is a matrix with one row or one column. Therefore a row vector is Alxk and a column vector is AixI and commonly denoted as ak and ai,respec- tively. In the followings of this course, we follow conventional custom to say that a vector is a columnvector except for
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Ch. 15 Forecasting Having considered in Chapter 14 some of the properties of ARMA models, we now show how they may be used to forecast future values of an observed time series. For the present we proceed as if the model were known ecactly Forecasting is an important concept for the studies of time series analysis. In the scope of regression model we usually
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The term adverse selection comes originally from insurance applications. An insurance contract may attract high-risk individuals, with the result that the pool of insured customers may be riskier than the population at large Adverse selection is now used generically to describe situations of asymmet ric information, particularly market settings in which some individuals have private information about their characteristics and where the individuals
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粘胶的最佳溶解条件是在20°C、13°Be (101.1g1)的烧碱中。湿进布织物或纱线有经历这 危险区的可能性,因此最好干进布。另外洗碱工艺 有所改变:要迅速用大量热水(50-80C)洗,以尽 可能快地通过危险区。粘胶在KOH中的溶胀小,所 以常采用 NaOH/KoH混合碱进行丝光处理。在NaOH 中加入40-50g/的NaC,可对粘胶起保护作用
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12.1 Systems with controllable linearizations A relatively straightforward case of local controllability analysis is defined by systems with controllable linearizations 12.1.1 Controllability of linearized system Let To: 0, THR, uo: 0, T]H Rm be a
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Part I Listening and Speaking Activities Introduction of functions Listen and speak Try to speak more Make your own dialogue What are they for?
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reward l. reward sb. with sth.用某物报答酬谢/奖励某人 2. reward sb. for sth.因某事而报答酬谢奖励某人 3 rewarding adj. helpful有益的;值得做的e.g. Make the extra effort to impress theinterviewers and you will be likely to berewarded with a better job with a bettersalary.如果你能多花些心思,给面试的考官留下深刻的印象,那么你就可能得到一个比较好的、工资也很高的工作。次大注意区分与 award之间的不同
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Modulation Representing digital signals as analog waveforms Baseband signals Signals whose frequency components are concentrated around zero Passband signals Signals whose frequency components are centered at some frequency fc away from zero Baseband signals can be converted to passband signals through modulation Multiplication by a sinusoid with frequency fc Eytan Modiano
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Channel Coding When transmitting over a noisy channel, some of the bits are received with errors Example: Binary Symmetric Channel (BSc) Pe= probability oferror Q: How can these errors be removed? A: Coding: the addition of redundant bits that help us determine what was sent with greater accuracy
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Idea Develops the concept of chemical potential and shows how it can be used to account for the equilibrium composition of chemical reaction Equilibrium co
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