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L Matching: (20%) Directions: Read the essay below. The topic sentence of each paragraph is missing. Now look at the topic sentences a, b, c, d and e that followed the essay and match four of them with the paragraph
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第二章化学动力学基础 2-1:按同一途径分解,表明正逆反应对应同一活化态…AHm=E正=Ean=459mol 2-4:(1)v=kc2(NO)C(O=0.018k(mol L-ls (2)24倍
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7-1基本概念 (一)配位键与配位化合物 第6章曾讲到:由一个原子或原子团提供一对e,另一个 原子提供一个空轨道,形成的化学键(如CO中)为配位键 ·配位键普遍存在于配位化合物 Coordinate compounds ·过去称为络合物 Complex——结构复杂的化合物 ·近来发现其结构也谈不上复杂→改称为配位化合物 ·配位化合物中除都存在配位键外,一般还存在其他化学 键,如离子键,因此: (二)配位化合物的组成
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考虑E>0的情形(散射问题): 定态 Schroedinger方程
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1.1波粒二象性 什么是波粒二象性?是指几何形状,还是指运动形态? 1)光的波粒二象性 =h p 其中,E、p是粒子的物理量,v、λ是波动物理量 波粒二象性是指物理量的取值既具有粒子性,也具有波动性
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Corporations, Shares, and shareholder Rights People who own stock have an equity interest in the organization e f a business has shares of stock it is organized as a corporation rather than a proprietorship or a partnership The shares of some corporations are closely held, while others are publicly held The two types of stock are common stock and preferred stock
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1. A situation is efficient if a. no change can help some people without hurting others. b. the gain for some people offsets the loss for others. .C. the gain for some people more than offsets the loss to others. d. consumer surplus is maximized. e. producer surplus is maximized
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Multiple Choice 1. Equilibrium a. is a concept unique to economics. b. always occurs where supply equals demand. C. results when opposing forces fail to cancel each other out. d. indicates balance. e. all of the above
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1. Choose the correct path taken by a pair of electrons as it travels down the e ectron transport chain:
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