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1. The Internet is the largest repository of information which can provide very very large network resources. The network resources can be divided into
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1.简述划分步的原则。 2.简述转换实现的条件和转换实现时应完成的操作
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第一节操作系统概述 第二节 Windows操作系统
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13.1不间断电源(UPS) 13.2交流稳压电源 13.3碎纸机 13.4空调 13.5数字视频制作
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Word14 implementi mp manvt.实现,完成成 subscriber szh' ra) traffic[t raf]n.通讯(量),业务,信息量 architectural[a:ki 't ktfa ral]a.建筑上的,结构上的 denote[di' vt.表示,意味着 node[.节点
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I单项选择 1.抽样频率 a. sampling rate b. repetition rate c. sampling frequency 答案:c 2.数字通信 a. digital communication b. digital transmission. transmission path 答案:a
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I. Revision Teacher uses the following exercise to help the students to revise the important expressions or phrases or sentences which were learnt in the loud speaker, study of last unit eacher: When I say a phrase or an expression in Chinese, you respond by blackboard
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中央处理器(CPU) 1、主要性能指标: 总线宽度:8~64位(CPU划代的基本标志时钟频率:MHz(兆赫兹)、GHz(吉赫兹缓冲存储器(Cache):Mb、Gb字节 2、主要生产厂商:
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1. Detailed analysis of difficult sentences in the text; 2. the usages of pastparticiple phrases; 3. Affix: inter-, multi
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1. what have we learned in the Unit projector, Possible answers: cellular Mobile Telephone System 2. What is cellular Mobile Telephone System? loud speaker Possible answers: to reuse the allocated frequency band in different geographic locations blackboard
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