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第一节 市场经济下政府的经济管理及其必要性 第二节 宏观经济政策 第三节 微观经济政策 第四节 相机抉择
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1.使用范围:第一章导论 2.要考核的知识点:影响供求的因素; 均衡价格的决定及其变动趋势;
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1.使用范围:第一章导论 2.要考核的知识点:供求理论; 影响需求的因素; 需求弹性及其与企业收入的关系
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1.使用范围:第二章消费者行为理论 2.要考核的知识点:决定消费者选择的因素; 替代效应和收入效应; 偏好的改变与需求规律; 奢侈品消费与需求规律
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1.使用范围:第三章消费者行为理论 2.要考核的知识点:影响流行文化需求的因素;网络外部性与需求;
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1.Integrability Demand function x(p,w)(.d.) is HDO, satisfied Walras Law and have a substitution matrix S(p,w) is s.n.s.d. for any (p,w), if it's deduced by rational preference. And if we observed an x(p,w) satisfied such conditions, can we find a preference to rationalization(p,w)? That the integrability problem
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在1.3我们讨论了为保证一般均衡的存在,消费方面必须满足的一些条件,在 1.4中我们将继续讨论为保证一般均衡的存在,在生产集方面必须满足的条件。 这些条件主要是 Debreu建立的
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1.引言(Introduction) 1.1局部均衡( Partial Equilibrium)与一般均衡(General Equilibrium) 一、局部均衡(Partial Equilibrium) 只考虑一个市场(single market)的情况(假设其他市场不变),对部门j 而言,当对该部们的产品x,的需求x(p)与该产品的供给x(p)相等时,即 x(p,)=x(p)时,这个市场就达到了均衡; 这种单个市场达到的均衡状态称为“局部均衡”(Partial Equi librium 那么是不是所有的市场能同时达到均衡呢?这就涉及到“一般均衡”(General Equilibrium)的概念了
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Problem Set 2 Prof. Gene Chang (For Ph. D students, due on Dec. 9th in the class or TA's office. For M.A. students, due on Dec. 12th, in the class or TA's office. Late turn-in may result in penalty in the grade) 1. The production set is={yy2):y2sy,-
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Problem Set 3 Prof. Gene Chang (For Ph. D students, due on Dec. 28th in the class, or TA's office. For M.A. students, due on Dec. 26th, in the class or TA's office. Late turn-in may result in a penalty in the grade) 1. Kland is a Robinson Crusoe type economy. Robinson, as the consumer and the owner of the firm, has the utility function U(x,) =aIn x+ BInI, where is leisure. Robinson's endowment
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