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12.1 Introduction 12.2 Using the State of the System to Determine Stability 12.3 Lyapunov Stability Theory Ferenc Szidarovszky 12.4 Stability of Time-Invariant Linear Systems University of Arizona
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14.1 Fourier Transforms Introduction. The Classical Fourier Transform for CT Signals. ion of CT Periodic Signals.Generalized T Fourier Transform.Relationship e Fourier Transform 14.2 Fou er Transform lationship to the Finite Time W. Kenneth Jenkins University of Illinois Amplitude,and Phase Alexander D. Poularikas
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16.1 Spectral Analysis State University of New York Historical Perspective. Modern Spectral Analysis at Buffalo 16.2 Parameter Estimation Dimitri Kazakos Louisiana Estimation Schemes 16.3 Kalman Filtering Fred Daum Kalman Filter Equations.Kalman Filter Examples.Extended Kalman Raytheon Company
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18.1 Special Architectures Pipelining. Parallel Processing. Retiming. Unfolding. ia Folding Transformation Look-Ahead Technique. Associativity Transformation. Distributivity Arithmetic Processor Architectures. Computer-Aided Design. Future VLSI DSP Systems Keshab K. Parhi 18.2 Signal Processing Chips and Applications University of Minnesota System. Implementation of a Finite Impulse Response Filter with Rulph Chassaing the TMS320C25. Floating-Point TMS320C30-Based Development Roger Williams University
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一、新药药代学的现行规定 1动物药代 化学药生物药:(资料27)1类全新:单次(3个剂量)多次口服者加食物影响.CT曲线药代特征药代参数
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一、营销箴言 二、先导案例 三、学习目标 四、主要内容 五、阅读资料 六、实践训练
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Eugene F Fama. James D. Mac Beth The Journal of political Economy, Volume 81, Issue 3(May -Jun, 1973),607-636 Stable url: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-3808%28197305%2f197306%2981%03a3%03c607%3arraeett3e2.0.c0%03b2-c Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of jSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.htmlJstOr'sTermsandConditionsofUseprovidesinpartthatunlessyou
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一、羽毛球的起源与竞赛延革 (一)从“浦那游戏”到“伯明顿”的产生 据有关资料记载,现代羽毛球运动起源于英国,它是由印度的“浦那游戏”逐步演变而 成的。 相传在19世纪中叶,印度的浦那城内,有一种类似今日羽毛球活动的游戏十分普及, 它是以绒线编织成球形,上插羽毛,人们手持木拍,隔网将球在空中来回对击。19世纪60 年代,一批退役的英国军官把这种称为“浦那游戏“(poonagame)的活动带回英国,并逐 步使它演变成一项竞技运动
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一、机关管理的涵义、任务和作用 任务: 1、协助首长掌握下属单位的工作情况,收集、整理和汇总各种情报信息资料,帮助领导进行科学决策; 2、掌握和研究有关本部门工作的路线、方针和政策,协助领导统筹全局,把握工作方向;
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1.引言 2.设计依据文件和规范 3.基本资料… 4.径流分析计算内容和要求… 5.径流特性分析
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