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第四章例题 一填空题 1.二元混合物的恰的表达式为H=x1H1+x2H2+ax2,则 H1=H1+ax2;H2=H2+ax2(由偏摩尔性质的定义求得) 2.填表 偏摩尔性质(M) 溶液性质(M) 关系式(M=xM) In( /;) Inf Inf=x,(. /x;) Ino Inop Ing=x, Inp InYi GE/RT GE/RT=x, Inri 3.有人提出了一定温度下二元液体混合物的偏摩尔体积的模型是 =(1+ax2),2=V2(1+bx1),其中V1,V2为纯组分的摩尔体积,a,b为常数,问 所提出的模型是否有问题? Gibbs-Duhem-方程得a=x2b,ab不可能是常数,故提出的模型有问题;若模型改为1=11+ax2)2=V2(1+bx2),情况又如 何?ibbs- Duhem方程得,a=b,故提出的模型有一定的合理性
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一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分。每题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意,多选、错选、 不选均不得分。) 1 是法律的核心的内容和要素 A.权利和义务 B.规范人们的行为 C.调整经济关系D.调整社会关系 2.下列各项中,属于法律事件的是() A.发行股票B.签订合同C.发生地震D.承兑汇票 3.根据我国《仲裁法》的规定,下列纠纷中可以适用《仲裁法》规定的仲裁程序解决的是()。 A.财产继承纠纷B.离婚界分C.租赁合同纠纷D.劳资争议纠纷
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The causes of acceleration of a system--The first law of motion states that zero total force exists when the system has a constant velocity; a nonzero total force on the system causes its acceleration
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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 12: Repeated Games(1) Marciano Siniscalchi October 26, 1999 Introduction [By and large, I will follow OR, Chap. 8, so I will keep these notes to a minimum.] The theory of repeated games is double-edged sword. On one hand, it indicates how payoff profiles that are not consistent with Nash equilibrium in a simultaneous-move game might be achieved when the latter is played repeatedly, in a manner consistent with Nash or
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(一)、古诺模型双头垄断理论 1、古诺模型的假定 1、市场中只有两个生产者A、B; 2、他们生产的产品是同质的,并且其生产成本都等于0,即MC=0; 3、他们共同面临着一条线性的市场需求曲线; 4、A、B都准确的了解市场需求曲线; 5、A、B都清楚对方的行为,都根据对方的产量调整自己的产量
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《传染病学》考试题及答案 一、A1型选择题(最佳选择题):题干为一短句,每题有A,B,C,D,E五个备选答案 ,请从中选择一个最佳答案。(共50题,每题1分) 1.艾滋病最常见的机会性感染是: A.口腔念珠菌病 B.卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎C.外阴部疱疹病毒感染 D.疱疹性直肠炎 E.巨细胞病毒性视网膜炎
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Term Structure models Blacks model is concerned with describing the probability distribution of a single variable at a single point in time a term structure model describes the evolution of the whole yield curve
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Derivatives Dependent on a single Underlying Variable Consider a variable, 0, (not necessarily the price of a traded security) that follows the process d e S Imagine two derivative s dependent on e with prices f, and f2. Suppose
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Binomial trees are frequently used to approximate the movements in the price of a stock or other asset In each small interval of time the stock price is assumed to move up by a proportional amount u or to move down by a proportional amount d Options
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A bank has sold for $300,000 a European call option on 100,000 shares of a nondividend paying stock S=49,K=50,=5%,=20% T=20 weeks,μ=13%
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