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cellular[' se j u13]a.细胞(状)的,蜂窝状的,单元的 mobile[' mou a i l,' mou i()1]a.运动的,流动的,机动的,装在车上的 deploy[di' p iJv.;n.展开,使用,推广应用
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Word14 implementi mp manvt.实现,完成成 subscriber szh' ra) traffic[t raf]n.通讯(量),业务,信息量 architectural[a:ki 't ktfa ral]a.建筑上的,结构上的 denote[di' vt.表示,意味着 node[.节点
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1. to know Cellular Mobile Telephone System Teaching 2. to understand the construction of cellular mobile telephone system Objectives
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I. Revision Teacher uses the following exercise to help the students to revise the important expressions or phrases or sentences which were learnt in the loud speaker, study of last unit eacher: When I say a phrase or an expression in Chinese, you respond by blackboard
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I. Revision mins com Teacher uses the following exercise to help the students to revise the important expressions or phrases
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1.1信息技术 1.2通信系统 1.3收音机电路 1.4实训:R828AM/FM收音机装配实训 1.5本课程的特点
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首先介绍了超宽带(UWB)技术的发展,然后分析了它应于无线通信系统的性能特点,包括信号调制方式、多径传播、传输速率、 接收机设计、与其它无线设备兼容和共存性等方面,最后展望了它的发展趋势和进一步研究的课题
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8.1概述 8.2亮度通道 8.3色度通道 8.4基色矩阵和末级视放电路 8.5解码电路常见故障分析
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§1.1 半导体基础知识 §1.2 半导体二极管 §1.3 晶体三极管
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11.1转换系统 11.2数模转换器 11.3模数转换器 11.4集成ADC
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