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词汇选择题 1. It is apparent that new energy sources will be required to keep up the societies of the world in the future
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Writing 1 Title--Things not seen before You came to this city and this university not long ago. It was the first time you had been here There were many things that you had never seen before. What are they?) Writing 2
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词汇A unit 1 1. physical ---a. of the 2. attraction---action or power of attracting 4. particular---more than usual, special, exceptional
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掌握剪切、挤压的概念及其 实用计算,键类型的选择、破坏形式以及强度的计算
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Background Information Introductory Remarks Warm-up Activity Text New Word Reading Intensive Study Exercise Check-up Assignment
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成都电子机械高等专科学校:《大学英语》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Book 2 Unit 8 Honesty:Is It Going Out of Style
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Pre-Reading Activities Text New Word Reading TextA: Language Points Newspaper Reading Exercise Check-up .Assignment
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一、设置点的样式: 功能:设置点的图案、点的大小、点的显示方式 调用:a.格式\\点样式;
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一、具有单行、多行的标注文字和编辑功能; 二、缺省样式\STANDARD\; 三、可创建自己的文字标注样式
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了解棘轮机构,槽轮机构,不完全齿轮机 构和凸轮式间隙运动机构的运动特点、主要参数及应用
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