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第七章基性岩类 一、概述 本类岩石在化学成分上的特点是,SiO2含量低至中等(45 53%),CaO、Al2O3、FeO、MgO含量较高,尤其是前二者,Na2O 和K2O低。岩石主要由辉石和斜长石组成;可含少量橄榄石、角 闪石、黑云母、石英、碱性长石辉石多为单斜辉石(单斜晶系 )和紫苏辉石(斜方晶系),斜长石则为基性斜长石。岩石呈 深灰色或灰黑色,颜色一般较深,色率35~65,比重较大
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第一节环境教育评价的概念与意义 第二节环境教育评价的原则 第三节环境教育评价的对象与作用 第四节环境教育评价的内容 第五节环境教育评价的模式 第六节制定环境教育评价方案 第七节进行环境教学评价 第八节环境教学评价结果的运用
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第一节非正规环境教育的分类及其相应的教育方法 第二节非正规环境教育教师的培训 第三节各地区韭正规环境教育的组织与协调
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Preparation What do you think of college? Or what kind of college life did you expect to have before you cametere? What do you expect to learn at college, more book knowledge or more practical social experience? Do you think you will relax after entering the college or you will study ten harder than in high school?
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Oral Test for New Integrated english BandⅡ(2-A) Directions: Answer one of these questions briefly in no less than 100 words. You will be given three minutes to prepare for it. Marks will be given on both accuracy and fluency of your spoken English. 1. To be dependent on parents is a bad habit of young man. Do you agree with it? Why
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第一节澳大利亚的环境教育 第二节我国的环境教育 第三节厄瓜多尔的环境教育 第四节香港的环境教育 第五节斯里兰卡的环境教育 第六节中国台湾的环境教育 第七节乌干达的环境教育
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超基性岩和超镁铁质岩是两个不同的概念,前者是以SiO2 含量为依据命名的,后者是以富铁镁矿物而命名的,云S 数超镁铁质岩都是超基性岩。但某些超镁铁质岩如辉石岩、 角闪石岩等,其SiO2应属基性岩的范畴,但它们几乎不含长石 ,且常与橄榄岩等密切共生,因此一般放入超基性岩类中介 绍
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Part I Listening comprehension(20) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. There are two sections here Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 10-recorded conversation on it. After each conversation, there is a recorded question. The conversations and dialogues will be spoken only once. When you hear a question
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Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of three sections Section A Conversations(10%) DirectionS: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause
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Key to the Test a (Band Il, June, 2004) Part I Listening Comprehension Section a (10%) 1.D,2.A;3.D,4A;5.B,6.C;7.B;8.C;9A;10.B Section B (5%) 11.A;12.B,13.B;14C;15.D SectionC (5%) 16. phone number 17. information 18 explain quietly 20. make sure
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