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The experience of the 1960s has shown that for military aircraft the cost of the final increment of performance usually is excessive in terms of other characteristics and that the overall system must be optimized, not just performance Ref: Current State of the art of Multidisciplinary design Optimization
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arametric Model Structure Representation GM RD Parametric Geometry Changes Parametric animation
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Vehicle Development Research Laboratory Presented at MIT 4/14/04 for 16.888/sd.77J Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization (MSDO) Prof. Olivier de Weck and Prof. Karen Willcox ... Designing Great GM Cars and Trucks!
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology -Prof de Weck and Prot. Wacox Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Prof de Weck and Prof willcox
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Plan for the Session Basic concepts in probability and statistics Review design of experiments Basics of Robust Design Research topics - Model-based- assessment of RD methods Faster computer-based robust design Robust invention
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Multidisciplinary System An mdo value framework Design Optimization(MSDO) Lifecycle cost models Design for Value Value metrics valuation techniques ecture 24 Value-based mdo
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一、数控系统与数控机床技术发展趋势 1数控系统发展趋势从1952年美国麻省理工学院研制出第一台试验性数控系统,到现在已走过了46年历程。数控系统由当初的电子管式起步,经历了以下几个发展阶段:
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第一题 例如汽车导航系统,输入为期望速度,输出是实际的速度。控制器是导航控制计算机, 它将实际速度和需要的速度相比较,并相应设置油门的大小。汽车为受控对象,转速计充当 传感器,扰动的来源是变速箱的换档,电源电压的波动为噪声源。(当然,实际的导航系统 更复杂且包含更多的传感器,但是基本概念是相同的)
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第一题 10(s+2)s+4.10 2)(s+4 1.G(s) S+10(s+5)(S+10) 所以Kn=25
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