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Iterative Receivers for Space-time Block Coded OFDM Systems in Dispersive Fading channels Ben Lu, Xiaodong Wan Ye( Geoffrey)Li Department of Electrical Engineering School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas a&M Universit
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第五章 陶瓷基复合材料_Design and production of ceramic laminates-A-M
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第五章 陶瓷基复合材料_afctor influencing thredshold-a-m
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2、动载系数Kv 2..2 3~10为第公差组精度等级 2.( 10 1 1.6 1. 1.2 主共振区 1.0 2 4 6 8 10121116 v·Z1/100(m/s) (a)用于直齿轮
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1. Constant Power and Thrust: Prescribed Mission Time Starting with a mass M0 , and operating for a time t an electric thruster of jet speed c, such as to accomplish an equivalent (force-free) velocity change of ∆V , the final
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1设E是直线上的一有界集,mE>0,则对任意小 于mE的正数,恒有子集E1,使m*E1=c 证明:由于E有界,故不妨令EC[a,b 令f(x)=m*(en[a,x),则f(a)0,f(b)=m*E 下证f(x)在[a,b]上连续
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22 Semiconductors G.S. Gildenblat, B. Gelmont, M. Milkovic, A. Elshabini-Riad, F.W. Stephenson, I.A. Bhutta, D.C. Look Physical Properties. Diodes. Electrical Equivalent Circuit Models and Device Simulators for Semiconductor Devices Electrical Characterization of Semiconductors
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I'm often asked how to be a good manager, a topic I've taken on in this column more than once. Less often does anybody ask an equally important question: What makes a good employee?
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chanos (Forsskal) to formalin-killed Vibrio vulnificus I.S. Azad*, J. Syama Dayal, M. Poornima, S.A. Ali Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, 75 Santhome High Road, R.A. Puram, Chennai 600028, India Received 26 May 2006; revised 16 September 2006;
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