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Exercises about Units 6-10 Dictation IL. Cloze Test: Fill in each blank of the following passage with an appropriate word 1. The aim of education is to stimulate impulses, encourage free thinking and boldness in thought and keep alive various interests. But the single sex(1) by following the ple uniform structure and(2) a separate curriculum for males and females does anything but this. 3) of being provided with a rich expansion of experience, students are only(4) to a segment of knowledge. Such a form of education interferes (5)
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Legal History for a Dummy: A Comment on the Role of History in Judicial Interpretation of the Confrontation Clause by Peter Tillers* I struggled quite a bit over what I should talk about today. I know a little bit about exploratory fact investigation1 and about related matters such as induction and what philosophers of science call the logic of discovery.2 I thought about discussing the worrisome implications of Crawford v. Washington3
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5.1铁、碳及其合金相(1) 一、纯铁具有同素异构转变 a-feey-e-Fe液相L 二、碳在铁中的固溶体 ·碳在a-Fe中形成的固溶体称为铁素体, 以a或F表示,晶格为b.cc. ·碳在y-Fe中形成的固溶体称为奥氏体, 以y或A表示,晶格为f.cc. ·碳在δ-Fe中形成的固溶体也称为铁素体( δ铁素体或高温铁素体),以δ表示,晶格为b.c.c
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定义1设V是数域P上的一个线性空间,f是V到P的一个映射,如果f 满足 1)f(a+)=f(a)+f() 2) f(ka)=(a), 式中a,B是V中任意元素,k是P中任意数,则称f为V上的一个线性函数 从定义可推出线性函数的以下简单性质:
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Recursion-breaking an object down into smaller objects of the same typeis a ma- jor theme in mathematics and computer science. For example, in an induction proof we establish the truth of a statement()from the truth of the statement P(n-1). In pro- gramming, a recursive algorithm solves a problem by applying itself to smaller instances
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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语五年级下册Module 2 Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.Module 2 Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.课件(1)
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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语五年级下册Module 2 Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.Module 2 Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.教案(1)
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一.测试线插孔 (1) 此万用表有四个测试线插孔,其中COM为黑表笔插孔。在左边有两个测试电流的红表笔插孔,“10A”和“mA–A”分别用来测量大电流(0~10A)和小电流(0~400mA)。最右边的红表笔插孔用来测量电流以外的其他量
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6.1中断控制器8259A 一、8259A的引脚信号,编程结构和工作原理 1、8259A的外部引脚信号和CPU相连 D0~D7:数据线 INT:中断请求(8259A→CPU)
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6.1定积分与不定积分 给定非负函数y=f(x),定义于闭区间[a,b],如果我们要求函数图形y=f(x)下边 曲边梯形面积,就需要定积分[f(x)dtx。 定闭区间[a,b]内任意时刻的即时速度y=∫(1),求[a,b]内走过路程,也需要定 积分O)d 定义函数f(x)定义在[a,b上
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