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麻省理工学院:《polymer engineering》p4 16
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麻省理工学院:《polymer engineering》p4 11
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麻省理工学院:《polymer engineering》p2 23
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麻省理工学院:《polymer engineering》p2 12
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1.一无穷长载流直导线, 在某处弯成一个半径 为R的半形,通以电 流,求垂直于0点的直 线上一点P的磁感应 强度
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1、毛泽东思想的科学涵义、产生和形成的理论条件是什么?(P4-5、7 答:毛泽东思想是马克思列宁主义在中国的运用和发展,是被实践证明了的关于中国革命和建设正确的理论 原则和经验的总结,是中国共产党人集体智慧的结晶:新文化运动的兴起和马克思列宁主义的传入与传播,为 毛泽东思想产生和形成准备了理论条件
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This formula applies to any type of firms in the output market 1. Competitive Output Market Competitive industry: Many firms: Firms are independent of each other in decision making Identical product: Each firm faces a horizontal demand curve at the market price Free entry: Zero profit in the long run A competitive firm takes the market price as given. For a given market price p
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then there exists AE R\ such that (Kuhn-Tucker condition) G(s') =0 and 1. Lagrange Method for Constrained Optimization FOC: D.L(,\)=0. The following classical theorem is from Takayama(1993, p.114). Theorem A-4 (Sufficieney). Let f and, i= ,..m, be quasi-concave, where Theorem A-1. (Lagrange). For f: and G\\, consider the following G=(.8 ) Let r' satisfy the Kuhn-Tucker condition and the FOC for (A.2). Then, x' problem is a global maximum point if max f() (1)Df(x') =0, and f is locally twice continuously differentiable,or
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Circuits 1 Passive Components M. Pecht, P Lall,G. Ballou, C Sankaran, N. Angelopoulos esistors. Capacitors and Inductors. Transformers. Electrical Fuses 2 Voltage and Current Sources R.C. Dorf, Z Wan, C.R. Paul J.R. Cogdell tep, Impulse, Ramp, Sinusoidal
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麻省理工学院:《polymer engineering》p7-15
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