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湖北大学知行学院:《中国近现代史纲要》课程教学资源(教案讲义)第十三章 国际战略和外交政策
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《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》课程教学资源(教学案例)第十三章 “中国特色大国外交”的教学分析与设计 3 推动建设新型国际关系的三个层次
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7.1 introduction to documents 7.2 commercial invoice 7.3 transport documents 7.4 insurance documents 7.5 other documents
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Chapter 3 Remittance Figure 1: Payment Risk Ladder Least Exporter: Less secure more secure Most secure Secure morter More Secure Less Secure Least Secure Secure
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1.1 Background 1.2 Definition 1.3 Main Parties 1.4 Procedure 1.5 Contents 1.6 Characteristics of L/C 1.7 Types 1.8 accomodation 1.9 limitations
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Chapter 2 Introduction to International Settlements Objectives: Definition of International Settlements Main causes to International Settlements Effects of International settlements Classifications of International Settlements Business Characteristics of International Settlements Evolution of international settlements
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• 经济发展的国际比较观察 • 经济发展过程的决定因素
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• 1)国际收支帐户 • 2)我国国际收支基本数据 • 3)汇率基本概念 • 4)汇率形成的供求分析 • 5)购买力平价
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第十五章货币供求均衡 第一节货币均衡 第二节我国理论界对货币均衡的探讨 第三节货币的对外均衡:国际收支平衡
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