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Complementary Filter(CF) Often, there are cases where you have two different measurement sources for estimating one variable and the noise properties of the two measurements are such that one source gives good information only in low frequency region while the other is good only in high frequency region
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Goal: analyze aircraft longitudinal dynamics to determine if the be- havior is acceptable, and if not, then modify it using feed back control Note that we could (and will)work with the full dynamics model but for now, let's focus on the short period approximate model from
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State Space Basics State space models are of the form x()= Ax(t)+ Bult) y(t)= Cx(t)+ Dult) with associated transfer function G()=C(sI-A)
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mu Xuu+ Xww-mg cos 000+ m(wi-qUo) Zuu+ Zww Ziw+ Zgq-mg sin+ Iyyq Muu+ Mww+ Mww+ Mq+ There is no roll/yaw motion, so=0. Control commands△x,△z,and△ MC have not yet been specified
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For general applications in 3D, often need to perform 3 separate rotations to relate our inertial frame to our body frame Especially true for aircraft problems There are many ways to do this set of rotations -with the variations be based on the order of the rotations All would be acceptable
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Aircraft Performance Accelerated horizontal flight-balance of forces -Engine thrust TLift(toV)
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政策配合理论 前面讨论的国际收支理论都是以国际收支的平 衡为出发点,而没有讨论国内平衡问题。事实 上,在国内平衡与国际平衡的选择中,许多国 家都是以国内平衡为首要选择。在某些时候, 一些国家为了达到国内经济增长、充分就业、 物价稳定的目标,不惜牺牲国际收支的平衡。 因此,在不同政策配合下,一国内外平衡目标 是否能够实现便成为一个令人关注的问题
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宏观经济学以整个国民经济为考察对象,研究经济中各有关总量的决定及其变动,以解决失业、通货膨胀、经济波动、国际收支等问题,实现长期稳定的发展。宏观经济学研究内容 国民收入决定理论 通货膨胀与失业理论 经济增长与经济周期理论 开放经济理论 宏观经济政策
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一.填空题:30分 1.常用的光检测系统主要有 三种。 2.选择显色反应的标准有 要好, 要高, 要恒定, 稳定,显色剂与有色化合物的颜色差别要 以及 要易于控制
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第一节企业并购概述 第二节横向并购:福利权衡 第三节纵向并购:降低交易费用与稳定经营环境 第四节混合并购:资产利用与风险降低
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