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一、弹簧-重物-阻尼器系统 二、传递函数 三、结构图模型
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Handout 19: More about Dual-input describing functions- Limit cycle stability analysis Eric Feron April 16, 2004 Dual-input describing functions for Toggle switch Another servo-motor application
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Handout 15: Describing functions, Introduction Eric Feron March 31, 2004 General Philosophy General reponse of arbitrary nonlinear systems is somewhat complicated. We usually know the systems we work with. Work with finite families of 'most likely
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华中科技大学:《数控技术》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第4章 进给伺服驱动系统 4.4 进给伺服系统的控制原理和方法
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Handout 18: Dual-input describing functions Eric Feron April 5,2004 Dual-input describing functions are for mixed signals(sinusoid small constant signal) Approximating non-constant signals with constant ones
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Handout 13: More about plants with right half-plane zeros Eric Feron March 15, 2004 Right half-plane zeros and sensor/actuator design Influence of sensor position on system dynamics: Star Market
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离散系统,又称采样控制系统。在该系统中, 有一个或多个变量仅在离散的瞬时发生变化。计算 机控制系统是其一个重要的应用
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Handout 10: Notch compensation Eric Feron March 8, 2004 Notch Compensation goals: Kill nasty frequencies (eg resonant fre- quencies). Canonical Notch element:
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