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第七章定积分 The definite integration 习题讨论 题目: ayx-b 1,计算1= -dx. (x-b)2+a2 2,计算m=(n)dx,其中n,m为自然数。 0 3,计算J=1 --dx,其中x是x的整数部分。 sinx sinx 4,一研究1= (+,= dx,p>0的敛散性 +sinx 解答: aypx-b
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第二章多元函数 2-3习题讨论 23-1讨论题 23-2参考解答 习题讨论 题目 )设xn,yn∈R\,且 limx=x, lim y=y,证明 lim(,,,)=(,y) (2)函数f(x,y)=(,列在R\×R\中连续 (二)在长方体T内任取一点M0,是否一定存在一张过点M的平 面∏I,将该长方体恰分成两等份 (三)设集合A,BCR”,证明
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一、定积分计算 1.设f(x)=,edx,求xf(x)d 2.设A=,试用表示:(1)B= 1t-a-1 (2 (1+t) 3.设feC,,证明:f(d=(x-x2)f(x)d 4.计算定积分xln(1+e)dx 二、定积分应用 1.设有曲线族y=kx2(k>0),对于每个正数k(k2),曲线y=kx2 与曲线y=sinx(0≤xs)交于唯一的一点(t,sint)(其中t=t()) 用S1表示曲线y=kx2与曲线y=sinx(0≤x≤)围成的区域的面积; S2表示曲线y=sinx,y=sint与x=围成的区域的面积求证在上述 曲线族中存在唯一的一条曲线L,使得S1+S2达到最小值 2.点A(3,1,-1)是闭曲面S1:x2+y2+z2-2x-6y+4z=10
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(1) Input There are zero or more quantities that are externally supplied. (2) Output At least one quantity is produced. (3) Definiteness Each instruction is clear and unambiguous. (4) Finiteness If we trace out the instructions of an algorithm, then for all cases, the algorithm terminates after finite number of steps. (5) Effectiveness Every instruction must be basic enough to be carried out, in principle, by a person using only pencil and paper. It is not enough that each operation be definite as in(3); it also must be feasible
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CHAPTER 3Lists S1 Abstract Data Type (ADT) Definition Data Type Objects Operations Example】int={0,±1,±2,…,IT_MAX,IT_MIN} +,-,×,÷,%,…} 【 Definition】 An Abstract Data Type(adt) is data type that is organized in such a way that the specification on the objects and specification of the
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【引例】求下列三阶线性代数方程组的近似解 2x1-5x2+4x3=5 x1+5x2-2x3=6 x1+2x2+4x3=5 MATLAB程序为: A=2-54:15-2;-124]
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2008年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学一试题 一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分,下列每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一 项符合题目要求,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内 (1)设函数f(x)=n(2+t)dt,则f(x)的零点个数() (A)0(B)1(C)2 (D)3
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一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分,下列每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项 符合题目要求,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内 (1)设f(x)=x2(x-1)(x-2),求f(x)的零点个数() (A)0 (B)1 (C)2 (D)3 解:(D)
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第三章平面任意力系 3.1已知图(a)力系中,F1=150N,F2=200N,F3= 300N,F=F=200N; 求力系向点O简化的结果;合力的大小及其与原点的距 离
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5-1 Motion of Rigid body刚体的平动、转动和定轴转动 5-2 Torque The Law of Rotation rotational Inertia力矩刚体定轴转动定律转动惯量 5-3 Applying the Law of rotation转动定律的应用 5-4 Kinetic Energy and Work in Rotational Motion定轴转动的动能定理 5-5 Angular Momentum of a rigid Body Conservation of Angular Momentum定轴转动的刚体的角动量定理和角动量守恒定律
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