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WHAT IS ASPEN? A computer program for steady-state process simulation (a.k. process Flowsheeting) Developed for the simulation of Chemical Petrochemical Processes Coal-based Processes Petroleum Refining Polymer Processes One of many commercially available flowsheeting programs such as PROII (Simulation Sciences) HYSIM (Hyprotech)
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第1章绪言 一、是否题 1.孤立体系的热力学能和熵都是一定值。(错△U=0,H=0,但△S,△G和 △A不一定等于0,如一体积等于2V的绝热刚性容器,被一理想的隔板一分为二,左 侧状态是T,P的理想气体,右侧是T温度的真空。当隔板抽去后,由于Q=W=0, △U=0,AT=0,H=0,故体系将在T,2V,0.5P状态下达到平衡, AS=-RIn(0.5P/P)=RIn2,= AH -TAS=RTIn 2, 44=AU-TAS=-RT In2) 2.封闭体系的体积为一常数。(错)
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The WBS is to serve as the basis for program/project technical planning, scheduling, cost estimating and budgeting, contract scope definition documentation product development, and status reporting and assessment (including integrated cost/schedule performance measurement)
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This lecture focuses on the interpretation of solution concepts for normal-form games. You will recall that, when we introduced Nash equilibrium and Rationalizability, we mentioned numerous reasons why these solution concepts could be regarded as yielding plausible restric-
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Beginning with this lecture, we focus our attention on dynamic games. The majority of games of economic interest feature some dynamic component, and most often payoff uncertainty as well. The analysis of extensive games is challenging in several ways. At the most basic level describing the possible sequences of events (choices)which define a particular game form is not problematic per se; yet, different formal definitions have been proposed, each with its pros and cons
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Recall the following definitions: in any model M=(Q, (Ti, ai, piie), Ri is the event Player i is rational\;R=nieN Ri. Also, Bi(E) is the event \Player i is certain that E is true\ and B(E)=neN Bi(E). This is as in Lecture
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定义和内容 1.定义 换言之,就是说什麽叫电分析化学?尽 管存在不同意见,一些著名学者还是提出 大多数人可接受的定义。50年代,IM Kolthoff提出: Electroanalytical Chemistry as the application of electrochemistry to analytical chemistry
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精通美语语音(american accent training)A guide to speaking and pronouncing American English for everyone who speaks English as a second language
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Section A Antibodies as research and diagnostic tools 抗体作为研究和诊断的工具 Section B precipitation and agglutination 沉淀和凝集 Section C immunoassay 免疫测定 Section D Affinity chromatography 亲和层析 Section E monoclonal and recombinant antibodies 单克隆抗体和重组抗体
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