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Proof Existence and uniqueness of r(t, u)and A(t)follow from Theorem 3. 1. Hence, in order to prove differentiability and the formula for the derivative, it is sufficient to show that there exist a function C: R++R+ such that C(r)/r-0 as r-0 and E>0 such
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.243j(Fall 2003): DYNAMICS OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS
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with x(0)=I exist and are unique on the time interval t E [ 0, 1] for allTER\.Then discrete time system(4. 1)with f(5)=r(, i)describes the evolution of continuous time system(4.)at discrete time samples. In particular, if a is continuous then so is f Let us call a point in the closure of X locally attractive for system(4. 1)if there exists
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3.1.2 A general uniqueness theorem The key issue for uniqueness of solutions turns out to be the maximal slope of a=a(a) to guarantee uniqueness on time interval T=[to, t,, it is sufficient to require existence of a constant M such that
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Lecture 1: Input/Output and State-Space Models This lecture presents some basic definitions and simple examples on nonlinear dynam
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§2-1 Newton’s Laws Force Inertial Reference Frame 牛顿定律 力的概念 惯性参考系 §2-2 General Properties of Forces in Mechanics 力的基本性质 §2-4 Fundamental Quantities and Units Dimensions ﹡基本量和力学单位制 量纲 §2-5 Applying Newton’s Law of Motion 牛顿定律应用 §2-3 The Fundamental Forces of Nature ﹡ 四种基本力
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配体取代(交换反应 两类 电子转移反应氧化还原反应)Tabe, Marcus 反应机理的研究 研究对象:Co3,Cr+,Ni2+Pt等中心离子,简单配体 研究的时标( (time scale)范围:
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本章中仅主要讨论气体动力学中一些最基本的知识。 ◆ 第一节 微弱扰动波的传播 ◆ 第二节 气体一维定常等熵流动 ◆ 第三节 气体一维定常等熵变截面管流 ◆ 第四节 正激波
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9-3单摆和复摆 一单摆 动力学分析:
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6.3动量矩和动量矩守恒定律 一.质点动量矩(角动量定理和动量矩守恒定律 1.质点的动量矩(对O点)
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