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4.2.1 Ivan Petrovich Pavlov:Sep.14, 1849 – Feb.27, 1936 Place of birth: Ryazan (Russia) Education: Studied medicine at St. Petersburg (Russia)
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Anything that can be learned from direct experience can also be learned by indirect or vicarious experience
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4.1 Thorndike’s Connectionism 4.1.1 Edward Lee Thorndike:1874-1949, American educational psychologist. 1891-1895,studied English literature in Wesleyan University. 1895-1897,studied psychology in Harvard Unviversity.(James) 1897-1898, studied in Columbia University, and got his PH.D.(Kattel)
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The foundation of E.P.: before 1920s Wundt,1879: methodology James, “Talks to the teachers” 1899; “The principles of psychology”1890; Dewey: apply psychology to education
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1915-1918, taught at Northwestern Uni., At which time he was released for “lack of teaching success”, but more likely it was because of his pacifism during wartime
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5.1 About GestaltPsychology The founder ofGestalt psychology: Max Wertheimer(1880-1943)
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“If I had to reduce all educational psychology just one principle, I would say this: The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly
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华生的经历简要介绍 小时候不是个好学生。 1900年在弗曼大学获得硕士学位 1903年在芝加哥大学获得博士学位 1915年当选为美国心理学会(APA)主席 1920年被迫离开大学
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亚马逊书店领导与组织行为类图书排名第一! 以心理学小说的独特形式深刻剖析组织内部行为 打破“领导力”的传统观念 进入“内世界” 看后无不拍案称绝 美国亚宾泽协会强力打造,出版后,重印数次,先后在全球 50 多个国家出版,销量突破 100 万 册!
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主持人:追求进步,学术倾听,世纪大讲堂向您问候,在谈到缩短中国和西方国家的差距的 时候,我们经常说,知己但还要知彼,才能百战百胜,但是现在呢,我们发现,我们对西方 人的了解太多,对自己的了解却知之不足。所以有人提出,知彼但更要知己,说这话的人, 就是研究中国人格,他就是北京大学心理学系的大教授王登峰,好,有请王教授上场
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